It will be 10 years before a "normal" unemployment rate is achieved. Normal according to his definititon is 5-6% UER. This is assuming current quarter growth rate, 3.2% GDP, is maintained throughout the decade. However, he also said that a "normal" unemployment can be achieved at 4.5% GDP that is liekly to be achiveed in 2012. In that scenario it will be 5-6 years to achieve UER of 5-6%.
Additionally, he said COngress should inact laws that would allow repatriation of 1.2Trillion dollars stashed abroad by american companies. However, Ben was skeptical that repatriation will reduce UER as corporations will distribute money for bonuses and d8ividends.
Congressman compared his testimony to lost decade that Japan had in 1990s.
So to job seekers, turn away. Lilly is just advertising hiring.
Watch it on C-Span.
Additionally, he said COngress should inact laws that would allow repatriation of 1.2Trillion dollars stashed abroad by american companies. However, Ben was skeptical that repatriation will reduce UER as corporations will distribute money for bonuses and d8ividends.
Congressman compared his testimony to lost decade that Japan had in 1990s.
So to job seekers, turn away. Lilly is just advertising hiring.
Watch it on C-Span.