Berkeley Heartlab

The OP for this Nerd thread is either:

1. A Farietta staff Puke.
2. Trying desperately to crawl up Marty and Hynie's anal canals.
3. Belongs in a Psych. ward.
4. Has Wayyyyyyyyyyyyy too much free time.
5. Is a DM favorite still trying to "earn" a Farietta preceptorship.
6. Is Fkg Stupid.

6. All of the above.

No one knows what the hell they're talking about. VAP/NMR are cheaper, but you get what you pay for. Berkeley has started going IN-NETWORK with managed care companies so all you pharma guys should know what that means...not that they DON'T pay for it, but that they DO. Elementary info. Berkeley isn't forced to sell anything "stand alone" but besides advanced lipid testing, if you research Celera you may learn they decoded the human genome, so genetics are kind of a big deal for Berkeley too. Some docs can't figure out how to incorporate running full panels so genetics is all they do.

Personalized, preventative medicine is the future boys...

VAP and Berkeley report more laboratory values, but neither VAP nor Berkeley have any outcomes studies, whereas NMR has quite a few. Neither VAP nor Berkeley are recognized by expert panels, wheras NMR has been recognized by experts from the American Diabetes Association, American College of Cardiology, and American Association for Clinical Chemistry. As such, NMR offers "more for the patient and the provider." And reimbursement is becoming quite good in most areas (as you mention).

More uninformed tripe,.. do you know what ANUC is ? they validate ALL/ANY lipid testing against that. as for outcomes data,.. none of them have outcomes data tied to their use. Start reading before you start yelping & flaining away at your manhood,..


You're a bit off base:

1. VAP and NMR usually cost around $100-$200 (depending on who does the billing). Berkeley panels often cost over $1000 (depending on which panel is ordered).

2. Atherotech is now offering more tests because their VAP test is supported by zero outcomes data, has been recognized by zero expert panels, and sales were dropping like a rock. Expansion into other tests is merely an attempt to keep the lights on. Barring any significant changes in their current direction, their future is not bright.

3. Berkeley has indeed gotten "paid more" in the past because of all of the tests they offer (they charge hundreds of dollars for their LDL and HDL size tests alone), but they were burying their bad debt instead of billing patients for it because they didn't want their ordering physicians to get upset about patient complaints. When Celera bought Berkeley, the gig was up, and some people got fired. Around the same time, some of the managed care payors wised up and quit paying for Berkeley's expensive panels of bundled tests. Berkeley is now having to offer tests on a more individual basis, and move away from the $1000+ panels (at the same time as Atherotech is trying to move toward more expensive panels to save themselves from the sorry failure of a test called VAP).

4. The flagship proprietary technologies employed by Atherotech and Berkeley are supported by no outcomes data, and are relatively expensive, laborious, and time-consuming. They are not well-suited to widespread utilization in the clinical laboratory environment, and therefore will remain relegated to the world of "advanced" and "esoteric" testing. The technology behind LipoScience's NMR LipoProfile test, on the other hand, is supported by outcomes data, and is fast and efficient. It is going to be decentralized into clinical laboratories around the country and around the world (although this process will take many years).

VAP and Berkeley are going to remain esoteric and fringe - NMR is going to replace the lipid panel (150+ million lipid panels ordered in the US each year). What horse do you wanna put your money on?

Yo,.. junior,..
VAP max OOP cash or insurance,.. $39
Atherotech had two years in a row,.. 2010 better than 2009,.. BHL & MR major layoffs & drop in sales. NMR is pseudo science,..

You should follow your own advice. The NMR is the only test with clinical outcome data behind it.

More uninformed tripe,.. do you know what ANUC is ? they validate ALL/ANY lipid testing against that. as for outcomes data,.. none of them have outcomes data tied to their use. Start reading before you start yelping & flaining away at your manhood,..
