Bent carrot is now flaccid


30% decline in net revenues vs. prior year including a 1% decline on Xiaflex, it seems those DTC $ are working wonders and the retention bonuses for senior management were well deserved.

Delusional forecasting, everyone just trying to bullshit their way to job retention when 80% of the people just sit at home and do nothing. Price increase after price increase and offices make nothing and wonder why people stop using it.

Currently interviewing for an open urology position. I'm well aware Endo filed for chapter 11 but was reassured that uro was stable. What kind of base salary is to be expected for a seasoned rep and should I pursue the position?

Currently interviewing for an open urology position. I'm well aware Endo filed for chapter 11 but was reassured that uro was stable. What kind of base salary is to be expected for a seasoned rep and should I pursue the position?

Please read your own post, you are aware they are about to go through bankruptcy but were assured uro was stable.....what?????