

Looking for new work. My company increased the employee insurance contribution to over $550 a month. High deductibles and limited coverage making it worst.... How much does labcorp pay for health insurance cost for a family plan?

Looking for new work. My company increased the employee insurance contribution to over $550 a month. High deductibles and limited coverage making it worst.... How much does labcorp pay for health insurance cost for a family plan?

If that's the only thing you're concerned about, I'd suggest not wasting your time interviewing with us.

anyone outside of Senior Management at LabCorp works there for three reasons:

1)They are talentless.
2)They have no options.
3) 1 & 2

Anyone in Senior Management doesn't work either, they just delegate and "work from home". Nobody works at LabCorp for the benefits. Health benefits or otherwise. Neither thinking nor initiative is expected or required at LabCorp. Just be a good little boy or girl and follow the rules and do as your director or AVP requires. Then, when your inept director or AVP screws up, prepare to defend yourself because it is a culture rampant with people who are talentless and without options trying to protect their jobs at all costs.

Oh - and towards the end of every 3rd quarter, prepare to batten down the hatches as the LabCorp grim reaper looks to "eliminate positions' in anticipation of making earnings. They have to time it right so they can then replace that position 90 days later in Q1.

Arguably, the most predictable and pathetic company in healthcare.

Well first of all, you can't spell "benefits" so we wouldn't want you as an employee anyway. The other replies don't even answer your question and are the same old people on here that bitch every chance they get. If you don't like your job then quit because we are all sick and tired of your bitching!

Well first of all, you can't spell "benefits" so we wouldn't want you as an employee anyway. The other replies don't even answer your question and are the same old people on here that bitch every chance they get. If you don't like your job then quit because we are all sick and tired of your bitching!

You did not answer the question either there bucko.

With your attitude, it is easy to understand why you don't have dependents. Seems you could use spellcheck too. Not sure what dependants are other than you can't spell either.

Actually it is spelled both ways. Who is the dope now? My kids are grown for your information.

A dependant (British English) or dependent (American English) is a person who relies on another as a primary source of income. For example, a minor child, under the age of majority, is a dependant of his or her parent and the existence of the dependant may enable the provider, such as a parent or guardian, to claim a deduction, for example in income tax calculations.