Benev soon to hire injectable reps for their toxin. Aaron Green is VP


Benev will be hiring soon so get your resumes ready folks. The wonderful former Galderma director AG is chomping at the bit to hire Galderma females, blonde & big chested. Only thirst traps need apply.


I’d work for Mr Thirst trap over Galderma anyday. I never thought I’d say that but it’s so bad here right now. I hear the Korean toxin letybo is decent and if the pay is ok and no insane quota than it could be a good situation. Only problem is I’m not as hot as the other girls so I might get passed up as I’m brunette and a “b” cup.

Not sure on this product. Not a scientist, but the label has it working 47%, 45% and then 65% in trials. Seems like a super inconsistent product. That's what I hear back about the product in Europe/Australia. Gonna have to sample a ton to make customers happy when the product doesn't work - if AG is willing to spring for huge samples, then it's interesting, otherwise, I pass.

Letybo Label - Table 3

Is Benev also buying prollenium? I heard they are desperately trying to get a deal and be sold as they can’t get a toxin and fda is on to them.
can you imagine? hugel refused to partner with prollenium because they are a shit show. One has to imagine that they would warn benev not to buy or work with prollenium. Hugel won’t risk losing their fda approval by associating with prollenium… too dirty, even for AG.

I hear Benev will be launching with a $195 price tag. The product is #1 tox in South Korea. It’s no better and no worse than Botox. It’s gonna be a legit contender at a price that will blow the door off anyone. It’s the pricing all toxin should be. The days of big commission checks are over. The race to the bottom is here for good and margins will never be the same. Galderma is playing in a commoditized market. Go tell yourself dysoort is the best while your accounts turnaround and buy letybo because it’s a decent product with amazing profit margins.

I hear Benev will be launching with a $195 price tag. The product is #1 tox in South Korea. It’s no better and no worse than Botox. It’s gonna be a legit contender at a price that will blow the door off anyone. It’s the pricing all toxin should be. The days of big commission checks are over. The race to the bottom is here for good and margins will never be the same. Galderma is playing in a commoditized market. Go tell yourself dysoort is the best while your accounts turnaround and buy letybo because it’s a decent product with amazing profit margins.
Well said. Aesthetics products are commoditized. Companies are dropping prices to compete and are flooding the clinics with products and the clinics cannot sell them. The market has also changed. Less is more when it comes to fillers. Unless you date Aesthetics CEOs, most people don’t want their faces and bodies overfilled…..
Forget about your big fat commission cheques. It is a survival game now.

I hear Benev will be launching with a $195 price tag. The product is #1 tox in South Korea. It’s no better and no worse than Botox. It’s gonna be a legit contender at a price that will blow the door off anyone. It’s the pricing all toxin should be. The days of big commission checks are over. The race to the bottom is here for good and margins will never be the same. Galderma is playing in a commoditized market. Go tell yourself dysoort is the best while your accounts turnaround and buy letybo because it’s a decent product with amazing profit margins.
$195? That's basically what Revance sells Daxi at and they haven't done s---t. Crap products don't sell.

$195? That's basically what Revance sells Daxi at and they haven't done s---t. Crap products don't sell.
Problem is how Daxi launched. It was priced at a premium, more than any toxin. You had to buy RHA before you were “allowed” to buy Daxi. They wouldn’t sell to “med spas” either. Then they even had a 25 vial minimum order.
They pissed people off from the beginning and had an egotistical CEO thinking their product was a premium toxin when it was not. It was a double dose BS study for 6 month duration.

If Benev launches with no minimum, no tiers and makes it easy to do business they will do very well. Every company says every other toxin sucks other than their own. Accounts care about profits to keep the lights on. If the product is decent , which it is and no games played here I would be worried for my dysoort accounts. Galderma treats accounts like poop.

I hear Benev will be launching with a $195 price tag. The product is #1 tox in South Korea. It’s no better and no worse than Botox. It’s gonna be a legit contender at a price that will blow the door off anyone. It’s the pricing all toxin should be. The days of big commission checks are over. The race to the bottom is here for good and margins will never be the same. Galderma is playing in a commoditized market. Go tell yourself dysoort is the best while your accounts turnaround and buy letybo because it’s a decent product with amazing profit margins.
Toxins and fillers are mostly interchangeable. Approved products have gone through rigorous testing and are thus considered safe. In the absence of innovation, the market is becoming more and more commoditized. The price war has just begun and margins will drop more and more. The days where fillers and toxins were an easy sell are over.
Letybo and other decent products will do well because of their attractive margin.

I Wonder what AG said when he interviewed with Benev on why he got canned from Galderma. It’s amazing that he can get high level positions in companies after all his HR issues. The guy is a walking sperm throwing machine looking to tap every blonde thirst trap out there. He is a disaster and should be banned from leadership.

Toxins and fillers are mostly interchangeable. Approved products have gone through rigorous testing and are thus considered safe. In the absence of innovation, the market is becoming more and more commoditized. The price war has just begun and margins will drop more and more. The days where fillers and toxins were an easy sell are over.
Letybo and other decent products will do well because of their attractive margin.
A lot of truth in this post. The existing players are already struggling to deliver 2024 budgets (trade loading is happening) with low single digit CAGAR, lower margins and an inefficient go to market model, this is no longer the industry it once was.

Toxins and fillers are mostly interchangeable. Approved products have gone through rigorous testing and are thus considered safe. In the absence of innovation, the market is becoming more and more commoditized. The price war has just begun and margins will drop more and more. The days where fillers and toxins were an easy sell are over.
Letybo and other decent products will do well because of their attractive margin.

You only need to look at Merz to show this isn't true. Been around for 10+ years and have kept the exact same market share despite their buy one get one free sampling, ridiculously low price to large accounts, a large sales force, heavy marketing dollars (Gwen Paltrow, Aguilera, Jonas...). There will always be excitement for a new product from accounts and the cheap price will help, but practices are only going to put up with substandard product for so long then you'll be in the same boat as Merz handing out thousands of samples trying to appease price conscious doctors.

Agree with the comment that the label for this product sucks. It's got the lowest efficacy of any approved toxin by a large margin (45% really, you couldn't even get over 50 in a trial?) and the variability between the studies indicates its a dog sh-- manufacturing process. There's a reason Croma (their partner in Europe) had no issue giving up the U.S. rights. They have a dog on their hands and can't move the product in Europe. Product is also already available in Canada and hasn't done anything. Once they get outside South Korea they can't pull the same crap.

Easy to get down on this market, but the facts always show through. In Europe there's 100 cheap fillers and Restylane is still crushing. People want quality. Galderma's problems are with management and stupid quotas to feed what Fleming wants for his precious stock to grow.