
Ventiv. Nothing about you or your job relates to the Manufacturer you represent. The reps. selling for them directly get all the bennies, perks, $, plans, severance, etc. As a CSO you work for the temp. company and detail the drugs from the specified company. Thats it. We are not connected in anyway. It sucks but its a small paycheck until a real deal appears.

wrong-totally-the benefits at Ventiv are very good and on some contracts-there is NO difference from what you do as a rep for Ventiv (embedded) and the Manufacterer you represent....Ventiv is temporary but with all the Manufacterer layoffs, just about the same stability as Ventiv as you can continue on different contracts

wrong-totally-the benefits at Ventiv are very good and on some contracts-there is NO difference from what you do as a rep for Ventiv (embedded) and the Manufacterer you represent....Ventiv is temporary but with all the Manufacterer layoffs, just about the same stability as Ventiv as you can continue on different contracts

wrong-totally. My contract ended 1 YEAR earlier than I was told it would and there have been NO MORE contracts offered to me. This is the worst possible position anyone could ever accept. Keep moving folks. Fast food beats these pos jobs.