benefits and vacation


I was offered a position today but the DM didn't give details about a few things. For those of you who already work with PTS, would you answer a few questions for me?
- can you expense carwashes/oil changes etc?
- are employees provided with a computer/printer?
- what is the vacation/sick days like?
-how is the medical insurance?
- do we have DME budgets for doctor lunches etc?


Yes I too am interested in vacation policy. I didn't want to ask when i received my offer, but I have airline tix purchased already for the summer and don't want to lose them.

Anyone know how many weeks we get? Or how soon we can take them?

You get the benefits of being treated like crap for several months and then out of the blue they will dump you all on your butts and give you a very long unpaid vacation. Where you can go beg some other worthless DM for a job you wouldn't of thought twice about 5 years ago.

Yes I too am interested in vacation policy. I didn't want to ask when i received my offer, but I have airline tix purchased already for the summer and don't want to lose them.

Anyone know how many weeks we get? Or how soon we can take them?

yeah what if you have vaca plans and flights made. can you take vaca the first year? or time off without pay, if necessary?

Most contracts is $135 cell/internet allowance.
Car is $500 plus whatever mileage (currently .17/mile)
Vacation is two weeks the first full year, if not it's prorated. Personal days are 3.
Not sure sick days.
You cannot take unpaid time off for work if you are going on vacation, that part really sucks. Maybe if you have a trip planned before you're hired you can work something out.
Bonus...well....we've been working on the OCEAN team since September and still haven't seen anything...but I wasn't planning on anything awesome anyway.