benefit decline begins


Can't wait for open enrollment... kiss another $500 a year goodbye just to drive your car. Hope you're all keeping a detailed log on personal miles driven that include to your first office every morning, and from your last office home every day.

.50$ on the dollar match for every dollar..????? BIG FUCKING DEAL! Cheap sons a bitches, well decent benefits were good while they lasted. Shit's rolling downhill now.

Nothing about buying a week of vacation. Heard anything? Willing to pay for the extra week. Guess I could take a week with no pay-same thing, if they allow it.

Yes I'd really like to know if the sales division gets that week btw Christmas off???? That will make a huge difference in how many plan vacations.

...but the CEO and chairman stood in front of a large audience and claimed that our benefits would likely be better under Valeant. Wow, was that not true.

I think he's a bit out of touch with the common, little people he looks down on and sees only as expense.

Thanks Valeant. You've really made this a wonderful place to work. I'll make sure I give you that extra effort. Not.

I have to admit that I was shocked when I saw the medical benefits selections for next year! Thank god I'm leaving and won't have to use those crappy options. I hope for everyone's sake they improve for open enrollment next year because they are horrible!