Believe This?

If the article is true and MP isn't going to lay anyone else off, then why is the local news saying a realtor from Montreal has been taking pics of the Goodman bldg???

If the article is true and MP isn't going to lay anyone else off, then why is the local news saying a realtor from Montreal has been taking pics of the Goodman bldg???

It was an assett auditor doing a valuation of the building. It was not a realtor. They have to know what value to put on their books and/or write off.

This report is full of misleading BS. No plans for more layoffs. Prob. a true current plans in place that is...since they are still in the works and haven't been finalized/agreed yet. Wow, what they said about Zeus is a pretty twisted version of reality.

Looks like Schumer and Pearson had an accurate understanding about the Zeus line; however what was reported in the media was a half truth. Guess the media didn't want to waste too much time or ink explaining the whole story.

"One of the next-generation contacts lens products currently in the near-term pipeline is the Next Generation SiHy(Silicone Hydrogel) Monthly Contact Lens, commonly referred to by its product development name “Zeus.” You stated you have no plans to move the Zeus pilot manufacturing line out of Rochester. Furthermore, you reiterated and clarified your commitment to “reevaluate” preexisting plans made by the previous B+L ownership to build additional manufacturing lines for Zeus in Ireland, if it is approved and proves successful, and pledged that Rochester would have a fair opportunity to win that business now that the company is under your management. I appreciated your comments citing the well-educated and skilled manufacturing workforce currently based in Rochester as an asset.",d.dmg