BEFORE you geniuses craft our POA...


Considering you don't actually make sales calls and the ones that you see are not indicative of reality, why not ask your reps what THEY think think POA should be. When you work with us, everything changes-we act differently because we are being evaluated and scrutinized, the docs act differently because you are standing there and they know you are our boss or a higher up. The marketing data is mostly irrelevant. It takes 6 calls before a script, really? Seriously, how relevant is this? Why not open a no retaliation forum and see what we think?

Considering you don't actually make sales calls and the ones that you see are not indicative of reality, why not ask your reps what THEY think think POA should be. When you work with us, everything changes-we act differently because we are being evaluated and scrutinized, the docs act differently because you are standing there and they know you are our boss or a higher up. The marketing data is mostly irrelevant. It takes 6 calls before a script, really? Seriously, how relevant is this? Why not open a no retaliation forum and see what we think?

zip it skip or you'll be fluffing queers in stag films

zip it skip or you'll be fluffing queers in stag films

Oh, its skippy again - gotta love your replies skip; you inexperienced fucknut!

The reason Forest doesn't want input from a field sales rep on what should be done at a POA is simply because they wouldn't understand it. In order to understand what we need in the field would require more than 24 months of experience in the field and none of the managers have that.

Therefore it's easier to keep firing people with 3-5 years here and hire naive rookies that don't know any better.

Oh, its skippy again - gotta love your replies skip; you inexperienced fucknut!

The reason Forest doesn't want input from a field sales rep on what should be done at a POA is simply because they wouldn't understand it. In order to understand what we need in the field would require more than 24 months of experience in the field and none of the managers have that.

Therefore it's easier to keep firing people with 3-5 years here and hire naive rookies that don't know any better.

watch your fish lips -skip they may rot

It seems they aren't interested in what we as reps think. They say they are but don't ever consult us regarding the reality in the field these days. The managers pick our brains and take our ideas to justify their jobs. Frankly we need far less managers and a few more leaders. I think managers should have reps sign the managers computer when they first meet in the morning and when they complete the field ride. This would make them a little more accountable for their time in the field as it does for reps. I recall manages showing up at noon for lunch then breakfast the next morning and they called that a two day field ride. This same manager would then come around complaining about silly signatures and activities. There's a lot that can be revamped if they really were interested in improving as a company but beauracratic inertia is hard to change its course.

Attn: CB and BS
You have many ultra lazy managers with the exception of TG-D. Pay closer attention to the bs evals and appearance if working hard. Wake up you've lost many good reps as a result of your hands off approach.

It seems they aren't interested in what we as reps think. They say they are but don't ever consult us regarding the reality in the field these days. The managers pick our brains and take our ideas to justify their jobs. Frankly we need far less managers and a few more leaders. I think managers should have reps sign the managers computer when they first meet in the morning and when they complete the field ride. This would make them a little more accountable for their time in the field as it does for reps. I recall manages showing up at noon for lunch then breakfast the next morning and they called that a two day field ride. This same manager would then come around complaining about silly signatures and activities. There's a lot that can be revamped if they really were interested in improving as a company but beauracratic inertia is hard to change its course.

can't wait to detail those spicy messages to each other

Attn: CB and BS
You have many ultra lazy managers with the exception of TG-D. Pay closer attention to the bs evals and appearance if working hard. Wake up you've lost many good reps as a result of your hands off approach.

Chris B and Brad S have no idea. Check out the Knoxville area...SFM and DJ are awful. worse of the worse.

Attn: CB and BS
You have many ultra lazy managers with the exception of TG-D. Pay closer attention to the bs evals and appearance if working hard. Wake up you've lost many good reps as a result of your hands off approach.

Couldn't be any more true! Evals are such a joke and most of the NC mgrs are clueless. Glad they got rid of SP...or "promoted" him! Had to get him out of the field so he would quit harrassing reps...what a joke!

I think managers are hired to harass and push reps. They find things for reps to do on email etc so that they appear to be working. I guess they have to justify their job somehow. I never needed one and just give us busy work and get in the way. Is a joke.

I think managers are hired to harass and push reps. They find things for reps to do on email etc so that they appear to be working. I guess they have to justify their job somehow. I never needed one and just give us busy work and get in the way. Is a joke.

Forest managers are the weakest in the industry and they are clones of internal sr management. It is what it is. We are not trusted and seen as nothing more that sample droppers-baggage for marketing to deal with

So true! Why ask the reps what they think? Obviously nobody gives a blank. As far as "specialty" managers, it'd be fun to hear what their territory DM counterparts think of them. I'm guessing not much, oh wait, I'm not guessing.