been there, done that


Merit medical is a wanna be.

The turnover rate is incredible. Good quick stepping stone job.

People like John Hall, who is a regional manager, could not manage their way out of a wet paper bag.

It is true the turn over rate is high. The let most of their good reps go in favor of less skilled that they could hire at half the price. John Hall however has been gone almost a year

Last I heard John is enjoying retirement. The goal at Merit seems to be to hire whomever they can get for the cheapest pay. Most of the good reps are gone and the ones that are still there are actively searching to bail out. From the reps I speak to since Fred put his son over sales it has been going down hill fast

Fred's son is an absolute tool. Says he is a Harvard and Oxford grad(bought certificates at both). Truth be told he's a never bloomer who has no loyalty or integrity which are the 2 things his father built the company on. Takes credit for things that anyone with a pulse could have succeeded at. What a joke.