The product technology is amazing and BDSI hired awesome people.....and lazy Alkermes reps????? Try selling Vivitrol for one week and see how lazy you don't get to be. Vivitrol doesn't move without CONSTANT, prodding, promoting, hand holding and acquisition assistance!!!!

I have heard a couple in the southeast have jumped. Very high salaries were offered. Who can blame them!

I interviewed but did not move fwd. If you think high salaries are 80-85K then I guess you are making 65K in salary. I was told in the interview that max they would go to was 90K and that was pushing it. Most people were coming in at 80-85K salary. Hardly very high salary newbie!

What specific challenges are there in selling Vivitrol. The need seems to be there. I assume cost, managed care, access etc. I know that Alkermes has/had a solid salesforce.

I call BS on above posts. Only one rep left for BDSI for a pay cut - big time. Their base range is $80-90K. They have no idea what their bonuses will be. Some sort of percentage of base and exponential over plan, etc...Alkermes bases are well over $100K. Bonus target $45-65K target. Some reps easily make over $200.

I agree with the above post, know of some reps in the 65000 - 75000 bonus range here, some higher some lower. BDSI who knows but I know what we have here. Now company culture, that may be a difference. Really it seems to always depend on the DM. People leave managers not companys.

I agree with the above post, know of some reps in the 65000 - 75000 bonus range here, some higher some lower. BDSI who knows but I know what we have here. Now company culture, that may be a difference. Really it seems to always depend on the DM. People leave managers not companys.

Absolutely correct, and the SE had a horrible manager for far too long!