BBS a good move?


I am in discussions with Bard Biopsy and the recruiter is over the top on the opportunity. I know Bard is a respected company, but can't understand why so many sales reps leave this division. I've been told its the cleansing of the Senorex reps, but when you ask around it seems to be more. So, can somebody please inform me of the real opportunity? Bars is too good to pass up, but im not sure this is the right division for me. Serious replies only please.

I am in discussions with Bard Biopsy and the recruiter is over the top on the opportunity. I know Bard is a respected company, but can't understand why so many sales reps leave this division. I've been told its the cleansing of the Senorex reps, but when you ask around it seems to be more. So, can somebody please inform me of the real opportunity? Bars is too good to pass up, but im not sure this is the right division for me. Serious replies only please.

Stay away from here. Hologic is impossible to beat most of the time. That's the company you should try to get a job with. My manager is an old Bard Access retread and doesn't know shi about breast biopsy. Very few people are happy here, so pursue this opportunity at your own risk. Remember it's Hologic's market and we just get the crumbs.

don't forget Mammatome, they are still market share leaders in many markets. Actually, they have some new products so try them as well if there is an opening. where are you looking.

So if biopsy is so bad why would jim Beasley continue to invest in us??? The answer is simple. He knows we are on the cusp of greatness. John has a plan and we're just getting started. It takes time to a dynasty around. Beasley runs Bard and Ring and Weiland know it. I'm all in!!!!

So if biopsy is so bad why would jim Beasley continue to invest in us??? The answer is simple. He knows we are on the cusp of greatness. John has a plan and we're just getting started. It takes time to a dynasty around. Beasley runs Bard and Ring and Weiland know it. I'm all in!!!!

Wow, robots. Do you copy your boss on your posts? That's seems to be the BBS way, boot lickers, number fudgers, and my favorite, sales contest cheats. How many Enspires are in your garage?

Horrible division - high turnover, poor morale, inexperienced micro-managers, crazy inner circle that gossip like a bunch of hens, unreliable products, everchanging comp plan because they have no idea how to accurately set sales goals, bitchy reps (men and women) with little or no integrity. Pass.

Total disaster and nobody is in charge or appears to care. I keep hearing that its only the managers and old reps who are the problem, so why is it all the new reps are looking to jump ship?


I'm considered a top salesman for a big pharma company. I'm tired of playing the primary care game and want to run with the big boys. My recruiter says I'm a cinch to get the job. I have 4 VP Clubs in the last 6 years. Should I play hardball with my negotiations?

I appreciate your serious thoughts on this.

Ask a lot of questions, do your homework.

What do you expect to make first year? What has the territory generated year to date? What did it do in 2011, 2010? What market share does BBS have in the territory? Why did the last rep leave? How many reps has the territory had during the the past three years? What are the top 10 prospects in the territory? Research the territory, figure out the top accounts and ask if BBS has the business? Ride with the reps adjacent to the territory. Don't let them put you with the company field trainers, they wont give the straight poop.

Yes, be sure to ask these questions. One question for you. Do you want the territory with all the business? Does it matter what the territory has generated since we are paid on growth? Don't let them put you with trainers? So you are already calling the shots?? We weeded you prima donnas out a long time ago. This jobs not for you.

Yes, be sure to ask these questions. One question for you. Do you want the territory with all the business? Does it matter what the territory has generated since we are paid on growth? Don't let them put you with trainers? So you are already calling the shots?? We weeded you prima donnas out a long time ago. This jobs not for you.

New poster here... Just wanting to confirm this position is paid on growth and not paid from dollar one, correct?