Bayer WHC to have mass lay offs

You guys arent too smart, are you? Roger wants to sell WC, and you already use a contract company. How much longer do you think you have? Why have WC reps if there isnt any competition. I tried explaing that to one of your reps a few years ago, she didnt get it, and there have been two replacements since then. Oh well, you will be PIP'ed soon enough too:)

You guys arent too smart, are you? Roger wants to sell WC, and you already use a contract company. How much longer do you think you have? Why have WC reps if there isnt any competition. I tried explaing that to one of your reps a few years ago, she didnt get it, and there have been two replacements since then. Oh well, you will be PIP'ed soon enough too:)

Interesting. Please explain the contract company we use in the WHC division since you know so much? None of the reps are contract reps. Get off our board and start sharpening up your resume. Be sure to include how many patients of your physicians received a VTE or PE from your crap drug, should help with hiring as you obviously did a great job covering up the fact that your drug had increased risks. And get over this selling the company BS. Every year there are potential buyers and investors in every big Pharma company. It's the name of the game.

You guys arent too smart, are you? Roger wants to sell WC, and you already use a contract company. How much longer do you think you have? Why have WC reps if there isnt any competition. I tried explaing that to one of your reps a few years ago, she didnt get it, and there have been two replacements since then. Oh well, you will be PIP'ed soon enough too:)

Hahaha...inVentive does your are one tick away from Rogers golden parachute. Good luck've been recently looking for jobs haven't you? Most likely because you suck at your current role and are getting fired. InVentiv finds talent, sends them to our HR and they are screened internally and hired internally you moron. Just cause you see an inVentiv post online, does not mean it is a contract job. You sir, are a complete baffling idiot who is so bitter and upset that you are about to get laid off, you've come over to our board. Don't be angry cause our WHC division is doing great and kicking your dumb ass companies ass. Have fun looking for your contract job selling toothpaste for J&J.

Dont worry, I will break in the next WC rep who joins your organization, the same way I have the last 6, InVentiv sure is getting their money's worth finding "talent" PIP PIP Horray. PS a real professional knows not to insult the others in the industry.

Well I don't know what part of the country you are in, definately isn't mine. If you get PIP'd than you deserve it, IMO. I was never bashing till you came on here bashing WC. I simply responded to your original post against our company, and assumed you worked for Bayer. No one said I was original poster. So hypocrite, again, have fun looking for a new job. I wish you the best.

Do me a favor and dont add fuel to the fire. It has always amazed me how interested WC is on what happens at Bayer. WC felt the need to comment on the Bayer board yesterday. No one is safe, WC has their own issues, so stick to them. There is no need to have a Bayer thread on WC, we certainly give you that professionalism. You may not be the OP, but he/she needs to grow up because you never know when your paths may cross again:)

Do me a favor and dont add fuel to the fire. It has always amazed me how interested WC is on what happens at Bayer. WC felt the need to comment on the Bayer board yesterday. No one is safe, WC has their own issues, so stick to them. There is no need to have a Bayer thread on WC, we certainly give you that professionalism. You may not be the OP, but he/she needs to grow up because you never know when your paths may cross again:)

Good point. Where I have seen some threads on your board about us (buy out etc..) the point is we are all in this fight together, as competitive as it may be. We could be on same team one day. Good riddance.

You people sell birth control, it comes down to price and that is it! WC was smart enough to see that and set the bar with $24. Now they rely on med eds in order to continue to buy the loyalty that was gained from loestrin24 and switch it to LoLoestrin. Its not like we really matter in the end, if WC didn't need someone to sign the check at the end of the night and act like it wasn't a happy hour then we wouldn't be here.

You people sell birth control, it comes down to price and that is it! WC was smart enough to see that and set the bar with $24. Now they rely on med eds in order to continue to buy the loyalty that was gained from loestrin24 and switch it to LoLoestrin. Its not like we really matter in the end, if WC didn't need someone to sign the check at the end of the night and act like it wasn't a happy hour then we wouldn't be here.

Im confused. You said "you people" and "WC" and "they" then you seem to infer that you are a wc rep? Which is it?

Are you guys that daft not to realize that you have no competition and can be replaced by mailing samps. When you are having fun belittling people who have been let go in this economy do it in the mirror. You will be there shortly.