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Bayer Consumer Healthcare


Coppertone is a tough business and the retailers have Bayer by the short hairs. Price pressure and the ability to return all product not sold for full credit puts a lot of pressure on Bayer from a sell through prospective.

If Coppertone is sold it will be interesting to see what they do with their manufacturing facility outside of Chattanooga. Bayer has invested capital to modernize the plant and to be more compliant from a GmP perspective. But, a significant % of their capacity is to manufacture and package a number of Coppertone products.

Consumer Health has been downsized several times over the last couple of years. Trends seem better. Coppertone's reformulating products will help turn things around. Aleve is doing ok and Miralax is holding its own
. Dr Scholl seems to be on a gradual upswing. I thought Bayer wanted to become the largest Consumer Health company in the world? This could change if they sell off products.

Wow so many folks resigned all of a sudden - Simon Gilburt, David, Mike Debiasi, Julia Franco......list is never ending. Were the let go of under the umbrella of resignation ?

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