Bausch Surgical


What do these people do to justify being so pompous? Their market share is in the single digits and they think they're great. Some of the DMs (by the way they call themselves directors) haven't changed in years and their performance sucks. I'll say it, come on surgical pull your weight around here.

I know some people will say "it's a harder sale". No shit. You chose surgical. Now go out and actually sell. Pharma and Vision care are kicking ass. Surgical, not so much.

Post #3 must be referring to Chuck Ha$$ and you are right on target nothing but smoke and mirrors. Surgical could be a great division but a lot of BS and dead weight. It would be nice for someone to come in and clean house!

Post #3 must be referring to Chuck Ha$$ and you are right on target nothing but smoke and mirrors. Surgical could be a great division but a lot of BS and dead weight. It would be nice for someone to come in and clean house!

At a minimum US Surgical. Last I knew, the overseas sales were the only thing keeping this division alive.

Surgical will never make money with people like Kevin McBride who runs the instrument shop He's a real Losser! Doesn't work 40 hours a week always away from the business, his personal life come's first, instrument shop second. He is also know to steal from the business. With this know how can the instrument make money? Dave Calvert could care less. St.louis HR is so low end there no hope!!!!

Surgical will never make money with people like Kevin McBride who runs the instrument shop He's a real Losser! Doesn't work 40 hours a week always away from the business, his personal life come's first, instrument shop second. He is also know to steal from the business. With this know how can the instrument make money? Dave Calvert could care less. St.louis HR is so low end there no hope!!!!

Why are you just singling out this dude to pick on? There's plenty of people at his level and higher that are that way. Chill out man. Think about your upcoming holidays, your family, your favorite beverage, your slippers, a crackling fire - it'll be OK. You should also be careful what you post and whose names you list here. It's obvious English is not your 1st language and with a little bit of detective work, it probably wouldn't be too hard to find out who you are.

Why are there so many VP's in the surgical division? It seems everyone in surgical has a VP title. Who really takes over if we lose the President?

We don't need anyone to take over. We don't need all these over paid VPs and we certainly don't need a new president of Surgical. One director at the top who reports to a Valeant big shot is all we need.