Bausch GM resigns

Andy Chang resigned today. Good or bad news for B&L?

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AC just resigned.

...and yet again B+L promotes someone who sucks at their current role.
Never in the history of marketing has a department failed to produce to the level and degree at which B+L Surgical has...and in true Valeant fashion they reward bs, waste of time, worthless behavior! To blame this situation on AC alone is naive, they should have sent BH, JL, and CH out the door too. I guess they want to go for a record, give it another 3 months the field sales force turn over rate will surpass the 80% mark. While the worthless in-house drones continue to promote each other...well that's just tremendous!

Did he leave for another opportunity or was he forced out? Should have been BH and JL to leave..... Both are soft and completely over their heads (Peter Principle). I guess if you outlast the turnover you could be president soon....

Remember when everyone at Bausch wanted to be in the surgical division? Now no one wants to be there. Even Vision Care reps don't want any part of this mess.
Let's see...Low base salary, zero leadership, products are just ok, commissions suck because any sale you get has no profit in it, RDs don't care, everyone is not working and looking for new jobs, Senior leadership is on their own agenda(which isn't well communicated to the field). Could probably keep going but I have a job search and networking to do while I'm on my pathetic salary here. Thanks B+L for at least paying me while I look for another job.

No one wants to work for BH or JL! They want to talk about metrics and SalesForce while the ship is sinking.... They are so out of touch with the people around them. When is the last time BH or JL has been in the field to show support for their team??? With the amount of turnover you would think they would get off their butts and try to stop the bleeding. They just don't get it!!!

...and yet again B+L promotes someone who sucks at their current role.
Never in the history of marketing has a department failed to produce to the level and degree at which B+L Surgical has...and in true Valeant fashion they reward bs, waste of time, worthless behavior! To blame this situation on AC alone is naive, they should have sent BH, JL, and CH out the door too. I guess they want to go for a record, give it another 3 months the field sales force turn over rate will surpass the 80% mark. While the worthless in-house drones continue to promote each other...well that's just tremendous!

Yikes! A lot of venom here. There are many of us who never realized the feelings were so universal. Interesting.

Yikes! A lot of venom here. There are many of us who never realized the feelings were so universal. Interesting.

What? Do you live under a rock? WE have over a 60% turnover rate, did you think that occurred at companies where people are happy? Feel appreciated? Have adequate opportunity of promotion? Get paid a living wage? We have layer after layer after layer of worthless management and marketing people. Chang should have been canned a year ago and the only reason CH, BH, and JL are still here is bc they are a bunch of kiss ass yes man who have accomplished nothing in the entire time they have been at B+L but, WAIT I am certain they are saving their best (and only work) for the future! WTF

What? Do you live under a rock? WE have over a 60% turnover rate, did you think that occurred at companies where people are happy? Feel appreciated? Have adequate opportunity of promotion? Get paid a living wage? We have layer after layer after layer of worthless management and marketing people. Chang should have been canned a year ago and the only reason CH, BH, and JL are still here is bc they are a bunch of kiss ass yes man who have accomplished nothing in the entire time they have been at B+L but, WAIT I am certain they are saving their best (and only work) for the future! WTF

Yep, you said it all right there. Blind leading the blind, in the eyecare business. Hoodathunkit?

There is an opening for Valeant/B+L Surgical in my area - optical products. I was considering applying but now I am not so sure!! Is it really that bad?

Well, it wasn't until Chuck Hess got promoted. Now it is. Suggest you move along to a company where the executive management team has a collective IQ greater than ZERO.

if not Chuck H running surgical business then who?

Where have you been? Chuck the dipshit who has less of an ability to finish a complete sentence than Donald Trump was put in charge of the US. Its a good thing the US only represents about 9% of the global market so he can't fuck it up too terribly. Oh poor Chuckie Wuckie, when you forget how to brush your teeth, tie your shoes and do long division - come back an see us all. We'll help get you loaded up on the short bus in the mornings and make sure your sweater is zipped up.

Where have you been? Chuck the dipshit who has less of an ability to finish a complete sentence than Donald Trump was put in charge of the US. Its a good thing the US only represents about 9% of the global market so he can't fuck it up too terribly. Oh poor Chuckie Wuckie, when you forget how to brush your teeth, tie your shoes and do long division - come back an see us all. We'll help get you loaded up on the short bus in the mornings and make sure your sweater is zipped up.

No you ain't. I'm steeling that 7 foot gorilla's lunch money. I'll be half way to Topeka by the time that ape gets done tripping over his arms and putting band aids on his knuckles.