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Bausch and Lomb drug test/company car etc


Interviewing for contact lens sales- what is the company car situation? Drug test? Hair or urine? And before you get all "omg your asking about a drug test blah blah blah" it's legal in the state I live in to smoke weed and I use it medically as well, so please step down off your high horse. New hires please give me the low down. Thanks!


Interviewing for contact lens sales- what is the company car situation? Drug test? Hair or urine? And before you get all "omg your asking about a drug test blah blah blah" it's legal in the state I live in to smoke weed and I use it medically as well, so please step down off your high horse. New hires please give me the low down. Thanks!

Well idiot, the 'company drug policy' supersedes state statues when it comes to such issues as yours. ...for obvious reasons! I for one, don't like your type let alone work with a dope head.
Especially, when you make commits like: "I use it medically as well" Save the embarrassment and remove yourself from the process. You're wasting everyone's time, and it's a image that those of us who are employed here do not want to be associated. Now go get your bong, toke up and make appointment with your therapist. Maybe Lowe's will re-hire you back!

Well idiot, the 'company drug policy' supersedes state statues when it comes to such issues as yours. ...for obvious reasons! I for one, don't like your type let alone work with a dope head.
Especially, when you make commits like: "I use it medically as well" Save the embarrassment and remove yourself from the process. You're wasting everyone's time, and it's a image that those of us who are employed here do not want to be associated. Now go get your bong, toke up and make appointment with your therapist. Maybe Lowe's will re-hire you back!

I have glaucoma and use weed medically and if you are in the medical field selling for Bausch and Lomb you need to get your shit together and read up on the research you idiot. And maybe you need to take a hit off my bong and relax and that will help with the stick up your ass. Just because you use weed doesn't make you a lazy, bad company employee- you are living in a time warp. Wake up, some of the smartest people in this country use weed for its medical benefits- quit living in the 90's and do some research.

You are a total deadbeat using week. Get off welfare and don't even think about applying for a grown up job with a company. They are hiring at the car wash. And they let you smoke week on your two 15 minutes breaks each day.

Interviewing for contact lens sales- what is the company car situation? Drug test? Hair or urine? And before you get all "omg your asking about a drug test blah blah blah" it's legal in the state I live in to smoke weed and I use it medically as well, so please step down off your high horse. New hires please give me the low down. Thanks!
I started a year ago. They will do either a guy that I knew who started before me had hair done I had urine done. I asked they lady about it (unlike you, am not a pothead and would have passed either) and she said they take a lot of hair so not all females will be tested via hair.

I have glaucoma and use weed medically and if you are in the medical field selling for Bausch and Lomb you need to get your shit together and read up on the research you idiot. And maybe you need to take a hit off my bong and relax and that will help with the stick up your ass. Just because you use weed doesn't make you a lazy, bad company employee- you are living in a time warp. Wake up, some of the smartest people in this country use weed for its medical benefits- quit living in the 90's and do some research.
Thats a crock. No medical marijuana for glaucoma. We're in eyecare here, cant pull that shit on us. What a loser.