Bathrooms in Yardley smell like poop

You eat your bran and have your coffee early in the morning. This is so that the pooh happens before you go to work. You don't pooh at work. Someone can see your feet and recognize your shoes at the lower end of the door to the stall. If they hear you sounding off and dropping loads in the toilet and you are recognized as the shit offender, that person will have water cooler talks and spread rumors that may hurt your reputation. Seriously consider my advice. Keep your personal pooh at home.LoL

I love pooping at work. I don't have time to do it in the morning. I'm always in a rush out the door. Got to punch in on time. Easy for you field folks to say that since none of you use a time card.

My manager always reminds us to keep some baby wipes and Lysol spray in the car - just in case we need to do the deed in a doctor's office bathroom. She says there is absolutely nothing more unprofessional than to take a $h!t there and not clean up after. I've actually done above and beyond by having a toilet plunger ready to use in my car's trunk.