Based on this I have a new name for the dirtbag Occupiers

I Love America



They are now known as twinklers


what fucking losers.

They bitch about capitalism while tweeting (capitalism) on their iPhones (capitalism)

the irony is too rich.

and this is what the libtards sit here and support while eating cheetos in their underwear while tap tap tapping away in mama's basement?


And this is what U are cheering for.

They are now known as twinklers


what fucking losers.

They bitch about capitalism while tweeting (capitalism) on their iPhones (capitalism)

the irony is too rich.

and this is what the libtards sit here and support while eating cheetos in their underwear while tap tap tapping away in mama's basement?


Their parents must be very proud of these nit-wits, especially with this result after the Thousands spent in pursuit of an education, that might actually lead to something. I see government jobs in ALL of their futures.

My 2 cents worth:

Everyone is taking this waay too seriously! Protests are a part of life. I can't imagine a world without a Bob Dylan or Pete Seeger song.

My 2 cents worth:

Everyone is taking this waay too seriously! Protests are a part of life. I can't imagine a world without a Bob Dylan or Pete Seeger song.

Well said, but at least it keeps ILA off the streets - The little fella may set a record for threads started in one day!

They are now known as twinklers


what fucking losers.

They bitch about capitalism while tweeting (capitalism) on their iPhones (capitalism)

the irony is too rich.

and this is what the libtards sit here and support while eating cheetos in their underwear while tap tap tapping away in mama's basement?


Just hilarious!

The money quote: “We don’t know where it comes from. It just appears, and we eat it.” You’ll never see a summation of the entitlement mentality more twinkly than that.