Smells like pain flopped ph3
anonymous Guest anonymous   Mar 17, 2018 at 07:57: PM #1 anonymous Guest Smells like pain flopped ph3
anonymous Guest anonymous   Mar 18, 2018 at 03:47: PM #2 anonymous Guest thst wasn’t a dump; that was his tiny dog.
anonymous Guest anonymous   Mar 25, 2018 at 05:54: PM #3 anonymous Guest Who’s Barry? What does he do? Never heard of him at Heron. Does he report to Rob Rosen?
anonymous Guest anonymous   Mar 27, 2018 at 01:00: AM #4 anonymous Guest Are you a complete idiot? Barry is the CEO of Heron and he would laugh at the thought of him reporting to RR. The two of them hate each other. Barry would fire Rob but Rob has Barry by the balls.
Are you a complete idiot? Barry is the CEO of Heron and he would laugh at the thought of him reporting to RR. The two of them hate each other. Barry would fire Rob but Rob has Barry by the balls.