Bard Access use to be the 'crown jewel' of CR Bard. No longer. Can you spell "commodity"!!! No new products and they are getting killed by Medcomp.
Since they pay on new business over last year, you are looking at a tough position if they are loosing to a competitor and have no new products. Buyer Beware.

Bard Access use to be the 'crown jewel' of CR Bard. No longer. Can you spell "commodity"!!! No new products and they are getting killed by Medcomp.
Since they pay on new business over last year, you are looking at a tough position if they are loosing to a competitor and have no new products. Buyer Beware.

Agreed, the 17% increase they put up in 2007 was downright embarassing.

I concur, I have had tough time seeling against Bard in the past, but they are a has been company. Medcomp has killed you guys and it is funny how Medcomp maks your piccs for you and yet out sells all of you. Have you ever thought of making something new rather then increasing your power rate.....sweet color purple Bard Butt Darts

I concur, I have had tough time seeling against Bard in the past, but they are a has been company. Medcomp has killed you guys and it is funny how Medcomp maks your piccs for you and yet out sells all of you. Have you ever thought of making something new rather then increasing your power rate.....sweet color purple Bard Butt Darts

Einstein, is that you. Welcome back. This may be your best post yet: Medcomp makes Bard Piccs. Where do you get this stuff from? Is this what they are teaching these days at Canton Jr. High?

Medcomp is hardly killing the competition. True their PICC lines are just as good as the others but Bard still has the market. Also these Medcomp reps are horrible. Dealt with them and their V.P. who is an ass i think his name is Celini.

Does anyone know what percentage of the market share Bard Access has?

Who are Bard's three main competitors?

Seems their biggest two competitors are manufacturing supply and their own bad reps. I've picked up business because of both. From what I understand it's a pretty good job, I don't sell their competitive stuff as my main product line as I can't get my hands on anything good and the profit per unit isn't that great.

Seems their biggest two competitors are manufacturing supply and their own bad reps. I've picked up business because of both. From what I understand it's a pretty good job, I don't sell their competitive stuff as my main product line as I can't get my hands on anything good and the profit per unit isn't that great.

Chick manager in Boston is gone.

Run as far as possible. The reverse taper on the SOLO is going to kill this division. JVIR is publishing a study this month explaining how the reverse taper leads to an increase in DVT's. No young slut in a suit is going to be able to suck her way out of this one.

Seriously?? You must be fucking retarded. Yeah, a 20% revenue growth and then 17% increase the following YOY growth. Where the hell does lost revenue come in dumbass? You, myfriend, need to revisit 4th grade math. I'm sure you're as diligent in your work as you are on this board. It's just down right emabarrassing. Glad you work for Angio, cock licker.

Seriously?? You must be fucking retarded. Yeah, a 20% revenue growth and then 17% increase the following YOY growth. Where the hell does lost revenue come in dumbass? You, myfriend, need to revisit 4th grade math. I'm sure you're as diligent in your work as you are on this board. It's just down right emabarrassing. Glad you work for Angio, cock licker.

The point is Access did not meet the 20% growth that corporate was promised, you felcher. You did not beat the number you committed to. We grew our business 17% and a lot of if came right out of your bottom line. Keep believing
your own logic and we will keep chipping away.

You specifically stated "lost revenue" in your post...You've gotta be the biggest dumb fuck in Angio. I hope to god you're in my territory so I can take business from somebody who doesn't even know how to add. Hey, I heard Jerry Lewis is throwing a telethon, are you one of his kids? Seriously, you're now the face of Angio, great post dbag.

The point is Access did not meet the 20% growth that corporate was promised, you felcher. You did not beat the number you committed to. We grew our business 17% and a lot of if came right out of your bottom line. Keep believing
your own logic and we will keep chipping away.

From Yahoo Finance

“Interventional product sales grew 10% on a pro forma basis this quarter, which was a lower growth rate than we expected. Price competition in the dialysis market, slower sales growth in vascular access and ports products, and delays in shipping our NeverTouch™ VenaCure® procedure kits and the recently launched Centros™ dialysis catheter all had an impact on the Interventional product sales growth during the quarter.

Eamon Hobbs CEO Angiodynamics