Bad SS Managers


Name them:

Deranger for sure. Nice guy to your face but a backstabber. Out for himself but has no idea what he is doing. Way over his head. Has zero idea what is going on in his geography. Has gotten rid of 2 of the best reps and trying to force out others. Before year end, his region will have a 70% turnover and forced to take energy reps as hybrids. He helps the "Herculean" effort! Look out Scott!

Mark from AROK in endo is terrible as well. May be worse than Scott. He used to be part of our region but sucked up enough to get promoted. He is an empty suit with his own agenda. Like doing as little as possible and blame his people when things don't go as planned. It works when you have "top down" driven business but when it disappears due to lost contracts and unhappy contracts, you are exposed as the terrible manager you are with zero leadership. Look out Mark!

There is already a "Let's all whine about our RM" thread on this board. One is plenty.

Having been a Covidien RM, I can speak from experience that we do not like hiring people (because takes up a ton of time, costs the company a great deal of money and there's never a guarantee on the quality of the new hire) so to hear that an RM "runs" people off just for the sake of it is preposterous. It only hurts and inconveniences that person.

I've always said, if you don't like where you're at, go do something else and quit spewing vile on everyone that hasn't kissed your butt!

Having been a Covidien RM, I can speak from experience that we do not like hiring people (because takes up a ton of time, costs the company a great deal of money and there's never a guarantee on the quality of the new hire) so to hear that an RM "runs" people off just for the sake of it is preposterous. It only hurts and inconveniences that person.

I've always said, if you don't like where you're at, go do something else and quit spewing vile on everyone that hasn't kissed your butt!

You are full of crap.. It's the Coviden way.. They don't care about getting rid of people and the RM's will cover their ass all day to keep their kiss ass jobs