Bad news for Bard Piccs


Triple-Lumen Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter in Patients in the Critical Care Unit: Prospective Evaluation

Results: The study was stopped prematurely after 50 of a planned 167 patients were enrolled when a scheduled interim analysis detected a venous thrombosis rate that was considered unacceptably high by the study oversight committee (thrombosis was symptomatic in 20% of patients [10 of 50]).

Conclusion: The TL PICC design used in this study resulted in unacceptably high venous thrombosis rates.

Supported by Bard Access Systems, Salt Lake City, Utah.

Calm one is buying into it. It's amazing that the Doctor who came to this conclusion is on Arrow's payroll and promotes CVCs, not PICCs. What a coincidence.

If Trerotola is on Arrow's payroll, then why did Bard sponsor the study???? hmmmm......Nice job Bard! Great products you team needs to do damage control because lord knows their PICCs suck.

Plugging the hole is backfiring on them right now. They are now stating that the 3CG technology will allow the clinician to pull the taper out of the patient and place the tip in the right atrium...i mean place.

Douche bags! Change the story to match the situation.

I have been in the industry for many years and during those years I have worked both for Bard and Cook...but neither now. I do have 2 comments:

-Dr T. has helped and hurt my business over the years…if nothing else he is honest… he tells it how it is…His challenging demeanor makes him controversial but he is a well respected national thought leader…and deserves to be

-Cook vs. Bard reps…both have a variety of reps but in general terms here is my opinion of both sales forces.

Cook’s pay is bottom rung so they typically can afford either new reps still learning their trade, reps that did not like the high pressure of the typical company, or old reps tired of the rat race. In general they are not your top tier reps but they are sincere and good folks to work with…

Bard pays is top tier and they can afford to lure top producing reps from other companies…all the previous years of success (ranking and pay) typically has gone to their heads and many believe this makes them a better person than other reps…and self focused…it is a shame because they are talented but intolerable

First, consider if the Bard PP SOLO catheters were inserted "up to the hub" with the largest end (diameter) to be placed in the smaller (I.D) vein. You could logically conclude this would result in a higher than average DVT rate. With that said, my team have been placing both 5Fr DL and 6Fr TL caths in our facility for years and have allowed for extra external catheter length for several reasons. First, we like 3-5cm out for ease of locating the ports out and away from the insertion for pt comfort/other. Second, for the above obviously. And third to allow for a small bit of room to apply the Bioseal containment ring and powder (the best thing since the advent of Tegaderm, Statlock, Sliced bread...) to the insertion. The presumptive results of this short study leaves out specifics pertinent to draw any definative conclusions. What precautions were taken i.e. measurements (30-50% larger vessel I.D. than cath O.D.), Hx of DVT, especially upper extremity, and other data. I conclude that that in the absence of coroborating data from other studies and a fraction of the DVT rate experienced in my years of PICC placement, that in the words of the great philosopher MR. T- "I pitty the fool" that gives this study any credence.

Bard has many products going in the shitter! Their stents have been underperforming, this PICC lines suck! Well "yeah, tip location is the future"- try not, IR's do not like the fact that they may not get paid for reading chest x-rays, and finally, coated dialysis catheters are crap, studies backfired on them showing no difference in anti-microbial coating. There were still issues with phlebitis, thrombosis, and it was a big waste of time and money! Some reps are pretty cool but some are total clowns!

hahahaha! cook is shit! I second the post about what DO you guys do all day? I have NO COOK presence in a 3 state territory.

What is it like to make $50k/year?

And the Dr. T study is shot now that Bard has the only 5 Fr Tl on the market. Go pound sand!

I do not work for either company but do work for BS. I can tell you that COOK is not taken seriously hardly anywhere, and Bard is a major player. Everyone at COOK is underpaid, but then they don't work hard either, so I guess it evens out. They are the bottom of the barrel both in talent and quality and their PICC's are even worse than the Arrow product. In the IC and IR labs they are pretty much a laughing stock. Bard is much higher quality with a quality sales group. Everyone at COOK is either lazy or looking.