I Love America
I Love America
If they have to put this much effort into winning a safe seat in Queens, Alibi Ike is fucked
If they have to put this much effort into winning a safe seat in Queens, Alibi Ike is fucked
If the repubics win this seat, the rats will begin jumping ship and the Coward and Chief will be persona non grata all throughout 2012 in individual districts and states. Claire McAskill might as well retire now, along with Ben "Cornhusker kick-back" Nelson. Even if President Incompetent were able to squeeze out re-election, he will have bitter enemies in the majority of both houses. We will see many new Czars in his second term. But, odds are now, that doesn't happen. If this district goes, I believe that he is totally fucked next year. But, I doubt that he cares. He's had enough.