Bad Manager, Bad Dog


Note to brainless manager boy and we mean you. Before your day pass from the Psych Unit is revoked, how’s about you resigning? We’re done with your babbling. Run, run as far away from us as you can. The gigs up. We get it; you need loyalty, meds for life and permanent residency in the ward, where everyone sucks up.

JFC, please stop these stupid threads. We all know you're too chicken sh*t to name names, so why bother? You are nothing more than a stupid gossip whore. Male or female, it doesn't matter. You want everyone to play the guessing game, and shit like this screams "look at me, life is so terrible because my manager sucks." I'm not buying what you're selling. Buck up or get out.

Oh, sure, I see names all over the place on here. So "Buck up or git out", screamer, hows about you putting your name on here, chicken shitress. No doubt, you are the one one being referred to, which is why your knickers are stuck up your ass so tight, causing you to have a baby manager worthy melt down. I have no doubt whatsoever, that our ahole shit managers know who they are and whats being referred to. Unless you are one of them and chances are- YOU ARE, take your little huffin puff self to bed, take a Xanax and schedule a visit with your therapist.

ROFLOL No, don't call your Mommy, you are told old for that.