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Backwoods North Carolina - flashback to the 1800s


The tobacco-spitting, backwoods, self-proclaimed 'chrisitans' in the loser state of North Carolina have already shown they are bigots (as if we needed proof) by their votes to deny same sex marriage, but now in a midnight vote, have voted to override the governor's veto and de-fund Planned Parenthood to make poor women have nowhere to go - and it's not like abortion is top of the list of their services - they offer pap smears, cancer screenings, and don't turn people away. Gotta love them 'christians'! Keep praying for relief from the extreme heat and maybe 'god' will answer your prayers. And tell Billy-Joe-Jim-Bob in the holler's HOWDY from me! POS southern state. Next up, reinstatement of slavery.

The tobacco-spitting, backwoods, self-proclaimed 'chrisitans' in the loser state of North Carolina have already shown they are bigots (as if we needed proof) by their votes to deny same sex marriage, but now in a midnight vote, have voted to override the governor's veto and de-fund Planned Parenthood to make poor women have nowhere to go - and it's not like abortion is top of the list of their services - they offer pap smears, cancer screenings, and don't turn people away. Gotta love them 'christians'! Keep praying for relief from the extreme heat and maybe 'god' will answer your prayers. And tell Billy-Joe-Jim-Bob in the holler's HOWDY from me! POS southern state. Next up, reinstatement of slavery.

is there any one other than gays that you don't hate?

The tobacco-spitting, backwoods, self-proclaimed 'chrisitans' in the loser state of North Carolina have already shown they are bigots (as if we needed proof) by their votes to deny same sex marriage, but now in a midnight vote, have voted to override the governor's veto and de-fund Planned Parenthood to make poor women have nowhere to go - and it's not like abortion is top of the list of their services - they offer pap smears, cancer screenings, and don't turn people away. Gotta love them 'christians'! Keep praying for relief from the extreme heat and maybe 'god' will answer your prayers. And tell Billy-Joe-Jim-Bob in the holler's HOWDY from me! POS southern state. Next up, reinstatement of slavery.

In some ways you are right about my state. Billy Joe Bobs have taken over the state legislature.

Do I need to pull your quotes from last week of the hateful bigoted post you made about the people of San Francisco? Pot, meet kettle....

Commenting on the incredible decay of a once great city, due to policies enacted, is bigoted and hateful? Whatever one-note RAB. Are you sure it's not racist too? But your stand that you would not vote for someone because of their religion is not bigoted at all.:rolleyes::rolleyes:
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Commenting on the incredible decay of a once great city, due to policies enacted, is bigoted and hateful? Whatever one-note RAB. Are you sure it's not racist too? But your stand that you would not vote for someone because of their religion is not bigoted at all.:rolleyes::rolleyes:

Sorry sweet cheeks. You have me confused with another poster regarding voting against someone due to their religious beliefs. I never said that.

But as your usual hypocritical self, you will justify slamming people based on their geography while condemning someone for doing the same.


Sorry sweet cheeks. You have me confused with another poster regarding voting against someone due to their religious beliefs. I never said that.

But as your usual hypocritical self, you will justify slamming people based on their geography while condemning someone for doing the same.

Not the same at all. But of course, I'm trying to explain this to someone who sees racism in every criticism.

Prop. 8 is history, and no way would Calif. de-fund Planned Parenthood like North Carolina just did. You and MFAS need to caucus on which one of you actually gets something right even 1% of the time. Good luck with that.

Nice try. California did vote down gay marriage.

Prop 8 votes:








1 judge(admittedly gay) got rid of it which is normal for Cali to vote for something and then a judge kills it. Must have been those backwoods tobacco chewing Californians huh?

I never addressed planned parenthood. Please have your daddy fact check your posts before hitting submit.


California won't defund any handout until every city faces bankruptcy.

There is actually a very good point embedded in this post. Many cities are now being forced by financially responsible activists to adopt balanced budgets. Our city is one of them and now operating on a 2 year completely balanced budget. On my recent road trip I was in another city that is operating in the red and the outcry form responsible activists is becoming louder by the day. Bottom line is, you can't spend more than you take in for very long. If financial responsibility doesn't come from the top down, then it's time to do it from the bottom up.

Every citizen can be a part of this by attending city council meetings and getting involved. We don't have all the new bells and whistles that were on the drawing board a few years ago but we're totally balanced and doing fine. The wonderful thing is, the moochers and those with an entitlement conversation going on in their head are leaving and we love it.

Nice try. California did vote down gay marriage.

Prop 8 votes:








1 judge(admittedly gay) got rid of it which is normal for Cali to vote for something and then a judge kills it. Must have been those backwoods tobacco chewing Californians huh?

I never addressed planned parenthood. Please have your daddy fact check your posts before hitting submit.


Apparently part of the "cool" Cali vibe is to live under tyranny where one queer judge can essentially overturn the clear will of the people.

Nice try. California did vote down gay marriage.

Prop 8 votes:








1 judge(admittedly gay) got rid of it which is normal for Cali to vote for something and then a judge kills it. Must have been those backwoods tobacco chewing Californians huh?

I never addressed planned parenthood. Please have your daddy fact check your posts before hitting submit.


I am the OP and it's the topic DA. Jeez you really need to wake up. Big time. And prop 8 is DOA - appeals court ruled it unconstitutional and its either the Supreme Court takes it and the state waits, or the Supreme Court says no and thats the end. But the main topic was the GOP voting at midnight to de-fund Planned Parenthood. Get a clue.

I am the OP and it's the topic DA. Jeez you really need to wake up. Big time. And prop 8 is DOA - appeals court ruled it unconstitutional and its either the Supreme Court takes it and the state waits, or the Supreme Court says no and thats the end. But the main topic was the GOP voting at midnight to de-fund Planned Parenthood. Get a clue.

First sentence of your post DA.

The tobacco-spitting, backwoods, self-proclaimed 'chrisitans' in the loser state of North Carolina have already shown they are bigots (as if we needed proof) by their votes to deny same sex marriage.

Prop 8 votes:






