Background Check


My credit score is fine but do have some credit card debt that I am working through. I have never missed a payment, just have some high credit card debt I am making payments on. How much importance is put on this? Would an offer be rescinded due to having debt?

My credit score is fine but do have some credit card debt that I am working through. I have never missed a payment, just have some high credit card debt I am making payments on. How much importance is put on this? Would an offer be rescinded due to having debt?

i don't know. I've heard of very large corporations doing this. When I was a manager there I was never told one of my new hires couldn't be hired because of their credit. Although there were a couple of times HR told me something came up in someone's background check. I always assumed it was criminal and never asked for more info. Knowing what I know about HR now, nothing would surprise me.
Post back and let us know how it goes. Be warned, this company is shady as shit.