Background check for new hires

Does the company hire people with misdemeanors within the past three years? Do they conduct background checks for every new hire?
Depends what for. 7 years is usually how far the check goes. This includes some driving offences. Legal and HR have strange interpretations of the law at the state level. Hope this helps

Does the company hire people with misdemeanors within the past three years? Do they conduct background checks for every new hire?

If you could give me a discription of the alleged arrest and how many years back.

Also you can op out of the background check after accepting your offer and it will not affect your status with us.

During your next interview here just first thing tell the interviewer I'm opting out of the background process.

It will be no problem, 99 % of us have chosen that option.

Welcome aboard! The best part time job in the industry!!