BA field sales success stories

There won't be any success stories, because there aren't any.

Never a success Press Release from Esperion.

Just Covid excuse, while they suck up investor money.

Look North....Investors....that is not a is a bonfire in Ann Arbor....burning Money!

Spouting off again is the non-hired loser. There are breakthroughs happening daily, but you wouldn’t know as you are a non-hire. Science invariably breaks down the barriers, just look at all the dumb sobs begging for a vaccination while dying. Let this be a lesson son.

There's no science in a conversation that involves BA. The weakest agentvub the class. Generic statins kick its ass daily. Some real market movers hired by Esperion. What an utter embarrassment the launch was. Massive turnover, revolving management door, fleecing investors. What a great company to work for. The winners from the start were the non hires.