B+L surgical victims of valeant sweep

Total layoff in Aliso was 41, wait, that was wave 1. I am sure more to come. The
majority of lay offs are in R&D, HR, safety, RA, finance and Leadership team.
only a handful of leaders are around and there will be zero HR
after Aug 30. What is clear from this round of lay-offs is that they were
ill planned and poorly conceived. Many good people were let go and many
C players were spared.
John Barr was the first to leave or as they say JUMP the ship.
What a clown.

yep they had casualties in st louis something like 20, but is going to be ugly for surgical when wave 2 and 3 of layoffs come in the next few months, though I cant imagine anything worse than the poor fellows in NY though

I worked at B+L for 9 years until the end of 2010 both in CA and in NY. It was a great company while it lasted. So sorry about all of the job cuts at both locations but I can't say I didn't see the writing on the way even after W&P bought the company in 2007

They will submit to work council paperwork to synergize
on Sept 3, work council will take 6-8 weeks to assess
and then on Nov 3 BOOM Europe bye bye.
Labor is very cheap in Poland and Serbia and that
is where Berlin and Aubenas are moving.
Valeant loves this.

They will submit to work council paperwork to synergize
on Sept 3, work council will take 6-8 weeks to assess
and then on Nov 3 BOOM Europe bye bye.
Labor is very cheap in Poland and Serbia and that
is where Berlin and Aubenas are moving.
Valeant loves this.

Nonsense. there are so many different regulations that timescale isn't possible to predict at a European level. Add to this that the decentralized model does not fit in to what you are saying.

absolutely, there will be no plan to shut down any of the pharma sites in EMEA. You would let go USD 700MM at once and as far as I know, Valeant is interested in business and especially in growing business. You neither would let go a cash cow wouldn't you??

People I am an insider at BL and I can tell you that the Boom is coming. You can excite yourselves and align yourselves with Pharma but it is coming. Medicis is a prime example. Oh BTW Valeant is looking at another big acquisition (top secret) and that will also take a boom on BL. So watch out boys and girls.