B&L Surgical Mich OH


Noticed job posts for associate rep and regional rep in these territories. Applied. Previous Oph experience. How are products performing? How's comp? Base for surg rep about 60-65, but total earnings?

products are old news. alcon has strangle hold. There is a reason those reps have all left. Don't think there are many original eyeonics reps left. B&L killed crystal lens. A distant 2nd or 3rd choice among surgeons. alcon restore 3 has dominant share and AMO is gaining over crystal lens. I'd look to join AMO over B&L.

products are old news. alcon has strangle hold. There is a reason those reps have all left. Don't think there are many original eyeonics reps left. B&L killed crystal lens. A distant 2nd or 3rd choice among surgeons. alcon restore 3 has dominant share and AMO is gaining over crystal lens. I'd look to join AMO over B&L.

Thanks for the feedback. Honest and truthful. B&L was considered 3rd line 9 years ago when I was first there. Too bad position has not improved. Hopefully it'll find a candidate to sell the linr