B+L Strong Financial Growth


Check this article out. B+L is in great financial health. I think we should all get huge bonuses this year if this article is accurate.


Strong Financial Growth

Saunders revealed that B+L's revenues exceeded $2.7 billion in 2011—an all-time company record

pharmaceutical division had crossed the $1 billion mark for the first time

people were surprised at the company's turnaround, particularly in pharmaceuticals

Nothing has changed to improve financial performance. As a private company, the numbers can be massaged to make it appear that they are improving. Additionally, continually raising drug prices accross the board as has been done during the past year will inflate revenue temporarily. Lots of BS thrown around by Brent and Dan W as Warburg wants to get rid of B&L in the worst way, yesterday.

He didn't mention B&L's across the board Pharma drug price increases which inflated revenue. Lifting drug prices does not constitute stronger financial performance. It's BS to show artificial growth. As a privately held company they can attempt to play these games, as Warburg wants to rid itself of B&L, yesterday.

This article reads more like a paid advertisement than a real article. Chances are that B+L paid the author to write this or it was written by B+L and they looked for an author.

I wonder what an article written by the wall street journal would say about B+L.

The proof is in the pudding. If B+L can deliver on launching some real products this year then these articles saying that Brett Saunders is a miracle worker might be believed.

I know of pharmaceutical reps being "laid off" due to shrinking of territories. This pharma business ain't growing. It's shrinking and the extra overhead of carrying a sales force delivering minimal results is not a sustainable model. Inflated numbers- absolutely. B+L is just about done being relevant in ophthalmics. Time will tell.