B&L Rep here- what to expect with Valeant?


Hey looking for some insight when Valeant came in. Majority of us are looking, Its been ZERO contact from our VPs, no incentive to stay like last years acquisition of Ista.
Silence usually means trouble.

Right after the acquisition Valeant HR will come flying in, un-annoucned and talk to each employee individually and either offer them a position or give them a severance packet. Most of us knew we were offered a job a day or two before, so if you haven't heard anything before they come then you're toast.

Those who didn't make the cut were given 3 days to pack their belongings.

Those who stayed still have no clue what is going on. 85% of employees were gone and we spent the next couple of months trying to find out who was left and who took over whose responsibilities.

The new benefits suck!

The atmosphere is depressing.

The end.

How is that this company continues to acquire under this leadership? Lean & mean? Hey WALLSTREET wake the fuck up?! This business model sucks, unsustainable long term, no investment in product and people equates to disaster!

BOYCOTTING ALL VALEANT PRODUCTS! Even Dr. Objai regrets selling is business to them!
Power to the people! I will let everyone I know what a shady group Valeant is!

Shady is not the word for it. I expect much of MPs money is in Nigeria. Can't pay the vendors including the phone lines for the adverse effects hotline but he can have a check cut immediately for a new benz

"BOYCOTTING ALL VALEANT PRODUCTS! Even Dr. Objai regrets selling is business to them!
Power to the people! I will let everyone I know what a shady group Valeant is![/QUOTE]"

There is a price for everything. The Obagi Board saw $$$$$$$$.

Adverse effects hotline? He could care less if the patients die. That vendor will be stiffed forever. You think MP pays people to damage Valeant with the FDA by reporting adverse effects???---wow are you a chump! He thumbs his nose at compliance--Pharma Covigilence? they ought to be vigilent about MP!

Adverse effects hotline? He could care less if the patients die. That vendor will be stiffed forever. You think MP pays people to damage Valeant with the FDA by reporting adverse effects???---wow are you a chump! He thumbs his nose at compliance--Pharma Covigilence? they ought to be vigilent about MP!

Fat boy has a foreign doctors running his safety department. US license-NO Board Certified-NO Four years Poland medical school-YES No further education-YES Able to write prescriptions-NO Hands on patient care-NO