B+L Ponies Up $500M for ISTA

Ron Z

Coverage on the ISTA deal:


Bausch pays $500M for a company generating $160M in revenue, so ~ 3.5 times. What is their net income, ~$90M/yr or less? How much cash will they generate for the WP pigs to make this investment worthwhile?

Does ISTA have a blockbuster in the pipeline for this year and/or next?

there's no blockbuster in their pipeline. B&L once again tragically overpays for a dog that another company passed on at 350 million.

It's like Saunders and Hassan are two guppies at a poker table getting bid up by a shill at the table. 500 million for ista. Those execs over there must be laughing their butts off tonight and partying like rockstars.

there's no blockbuster in their pipeline. B&L once again tragically overpays for a dog that another company passed on at 350 million.

It's like Saunders and Hassan are two guppies at a poker table getting bid up by a shill at the table. 500 million for ista. Those execs over there must be laughing their butts off tonight and partying like rockstars.

I don't know if they have any blockbusters or not.....but one thing I do know is Fred Hassan is NO GUPPY! LOL

Something is here!!! If I had one tenth of Fred's brain or a time machine that would take me into the future ---- I could tell you what it is! LOL but since I don't I will just have to ride with Hassan and Saunders on this one! You can't deny when Hassan touches anything "change" happens - which is good because the only other option they seemed to have was a good shot at failure --- so kudos to Hassan and Saunders for taking the risk --- :)

I don't know if they have any blockbusters or not.....but one thing I do know is Fred Hassan is NO GUPPY! LOL

Something is here!!! If I had one tenth of Fred's brain or a time machine that would take me into the future ---- I could tell you what it is! LOL but since I don't I will just have to ride with Hassan and Saunders on this one! You can't deny when Hassan touches anything "change" happens - which is good because the only other option they seemed to have was a good shot at failure --- so kudos to Hassan and Saunders for taking the risk --- :)

Oh give me a break. You are brain dead from all the kool-aid you are drinking. Bromfenac is generic and that is all ISTA had. Future stuff - not likely. Besides I thought B&L going to bring a multi use allergy/NSAID/Steroid drop to market in next year. What happened to that product? What could be better?

I don't know if they have any blockbusters or not.....but one thing I do know is Fred Hassan is NO GUPPY! LOL

Something is here!!! If I had one tenth of Fred's brain or a time machine that would take me into the future ---- I could tell you what it is! LOL but since I don't I will just have to ride with Hassan and Saunders on this one! You can't deny when Hassan touches anything "change" happens - which is good because the only other option they seemed to have was a good shot at failure --- so kudos to Hassan and Saunders for taking the risk --- :)

It is the banks that are taking the risk. Why they would give B+L a loan is a big question. It might not get paid back.

Oh give me a break. You are brain dead from all the kool-aid you are drinking. Bromfenac is generic and that is all ISTA had. Future stuff - not likely. Besides I thought B&L going to bring a multi use allergy/NSAID/Steroid drop to market in next year. What happened to that product? What could be better?

Hmmm...-- well let's just meet back here on this board in six months and then we will talk about kool aid - and perhaps in celebration I will bring some to share with you -- Granted you would not be in any position to really "know" for sure what products are where and why --- yet what you are saying is you know this business better than Hassan and his team? LOL perhaps you have been dipping in a batch of kool aid of your own ---

It is the banks that are taking the risk. Why they would give B+L a loan is a big question. It might not get paid back.

I bet the BANKS asked themselves that very question: why? I might not get paid back! LOL

yet the deal is done! I'm sure they didn't take it lightly --- I guess only time will tell

I bet the BANKS asked themselves that very question: why? I might not get paid back! LOL

yet the deal is done! I'm sure they didn't take it lightly --- I guess only time will tell

The banks involved probably got a guarantee to be first in line when a BK shows up. In other words they will get paid off first and the other creditors will be in second line and lower positions. This is probably buried in the contracts. In the meantime WP will pick off as much cash flow as possible. The guys that are really going to get burned here are any retirees and anyone else expecting any form of payment structure in the future. The BK will let them unload all of this stuff. For the time being all steam ahead.

Hmmm...-- well let's just meet back here on this board in six months and then we will talk about kool aid - and perhaps in celebration I will bring some to share with you -- Granted you would not be in any position to really "know" for sure what products are where and why --- yet what you are saying is you know this business better than Hassan and his team? LOL perhaps you have been dipping in a batch of kool aid of your own ---

What hassan knows is how to sell off companies. He just bundled in another revenue source to make a larger deal. Now he can dress up two pigs to sell.

Most reps know more about pharma sales than he does. he sells companies.
what I know is B&L + ista (does not equal) allergan or Alcon.

does not equal a long term career. Your job will be sold out from under you at some point.
Better off elsewhere on your terms. the company and management are attrocious.

still a third rate company, third rate products, third rate sales force with too much turnover