AZ official statement on Pfizer Talks


"Accordingly, the Board remains confident in the ongoing execution of AstraZeneca’s strategy as an independent company and that its successful delivery will create significant value for shareholders."


"Accordingly, the Board remains confident in the ongoing execution of AstraZeneca’s strategy as an independent company and that its successful delivery will create significant value for shareholders."

Which might mean one of two things:

A. The board actually wants to remain an independent company, or

B. The board doesn't want to give the appearance of budging too easily, so make a higher offer Pfizer.

Sorry, when Pfizer wanted Warner Lambert for Lipitor years ago, the Warner Lambert president told the sales force that they would never sell to Pfizer. Next day the president was let go. Pfizer took Warner Lambert. Case closed. It's how they do it.

Sadly, the answer will be B.
Listen one more time. This deal is done and all that is going on now is the final steps of negotiating terms. The board members are also major shareholders so they will make millions by selling. This is a very good offer from a company that can afford to overpay now for a future of possible winners. AZ cannot afford to continue to bleed money and make it until our future pipeline begins to pay off. Just do the smart thing and start preparing to look for a new job.

Listen one more time. This deal is done and all that is going on now is the final steps of negotiating terms. The board members are also major shareholders so they will make millions by selling. This is a very good offer from a company that can afford to overpay now for a future of possible winners. AZ cannot afford to continue to bleed money and make it until our future pipeline begins to pay off. Just do the smart thing and start preparing to look for a new job.

DM here. Agree 100%. Just hope they negotiate a better than AZ given severance package. At the very least, for those within a few years of early retirement may they get a qualified subsided retirement offer. Giving 20+ years w/ very little to show is cold indeed.

Oh well you got to work a few more years making a great salary. Others AZ laid off got nothing to show for their hard work either and have suffered loss of income and career. A layoff is a career killer for sure, and hard to rebound from.