AZ is a loser again to GSK!!!

Tic ..Tic...Toc

If the market doesn't see it yet, let me show you... GSK once again beat AZ to the market by about more than 1 year with its new triple therapy inhaler! Go google GSK NEWS.

Oh, we have a special device and a patent on co suspension! But we don't work better or maybe we will just keep giving it away free because we can buy a good position in the formulary coverage...

Ha Ha. We are being run and managed by such losers! But maybe we will be best place to work for women's magazines or mothers who need full time pay for part time work....


Truer words have not been spoken. Remember when PH was on stage almost guaranteeing that AZ would be first to market w/ the triple therapy?

Remember the hype over the breath actuated PMDI? LB (pompous, crap doesn't stink brand lead), you must remember since you were one of those shouting from the rooftops.

AZ is famous for over promising and way under-delivering.

heck, I remember a meeting , where sslt PROMISED az WOULD DELIVER 2 NEW products every year for the foreseeable future. Things like VIMOVO and Dutoprol came and went and that was it. Nothing sustained in the pipeline there. diabetes was all bought and that market is saturated. it's like selling antihistamines.

Ahhh, the amazing Vimovo! THE worst launch in pharma history. Remember the homemade handheld video of the idiots at the home office running around acting excited they showed at the shitty "launch meeting"? What a joke!

But what the hell, as long as I can practice the "all day lie" AZ tradition, I am cool with the crap going on.

I hope everyone had lots of Turkey. The clock is ticking.....write those year end plans folks,because it will only mean nothing! Get ready for all those year end reviews and Christmas dinners...

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