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AZ fires BMS/Amylin contract employee - WTF


Yesterday my Synergy (Amylin) partner's mgr called her out on a conf call because she ranks 20 out of 300 or so reps in the nation. Today, AZ fires 6 Synergy (Amylin) reps with a history with AZ HR, my Synergy partner was one of those 6. I thought BMS purchased Amylin and Amylin's contract with iVentive, not AZ. My mgr had no idea until I called him. My Synergy partner's mgr did not know about it until shortly before the firing and she had no input. Welcome to big dumb-ass pharma! No such thing as positive motivation with AZ apparently. Would love to contact the other 5 who where let go today.

Yesterday my Synergy (Amylin) partner's mgr called her out on a conf call because she ranks 20 out of 300 or so reps in the nation. Today, AZ fires 6 Synergy (Amylin) reps with a history with AZ HR, my Synergy partner was one of those 6. I thought BMS purchased Amylin and Amylin's contract with iVentive, not AZ. My mgr had no idea until I called him. My Synergy partner's mgr did not know about it until shortly before the firing and she had no input. Welcome to big dumb-ass pharma! No such thing as positive motivation with AZ apparently. Would love to contact the other 5 who where let go today.
Welcome to the AZ way of management and the Gestapo HR who will smear, create lies to support their wanted outcome, whatever it takes to get rid of someone who is targeted by any single person of influence at AZ. Forget the truth or justice because it is all about winning and losing at AZ and firing people is a way to impress and retain your job in this company. Someone will probably be promoted for what happened to the Synergy reps.

Did you think there would be no people let go in all this Buisness. From my experience with people being let go the older tenured reps will say the person let go was a great rep bla bla bla. Most of the time someone is let go here it is deserved no matter what people say. AZ HR is ridiculous with how much evidence they require to let people go if they are being fired. Trust me, this is just the way it is.

Did you think there would be no people let go in all this Buisness. From my experience with people being let go the older tenured reps will say the person let go was a great rep bla bla bla. Most of the time someone is let go here it is deserved no matter what people say. AZ HR is ridiculous with how much evidence they require to let people go if they are being fired. Trust me, this is just the way it is.

Just a few words, above, from the AZ Gestapo group. More to follow (as usual).

Any other pharma company would have let go 80% of us by now. AZ is a little slow to realize what's going on around them, but one day they will figure it out that they don't need 80% of us. I know several Publicis reps that have resumes that are amazing, and are working contract jobs now for far less than what AZ pays us. One day AZ ill come to a business reality and get rid of most of us.

Be ready.

Just a few words, above, from the AZ Gestapo group. More to follow (as usual).

Yep you found me. Damn you are good. You are prolly one of those tenured reps that doesn't think they should be held accountable, my access is poor, my docs don't like our product bla bla bla. You think that 10 years here should protect you and your poor performance should be tolerated because you are doing the best you can. In any other industry your lack of performance over the past would have got you fired after one or two bad years. But good old AZ will hold on to your ass because they take forever to fire dead weight.

To the other poster I agree with your post about there being to many of us. I am all by myself and I am rolling. It makes my life much easier. AZ will one day realize that one rep per territory is good enough in primary care.

Yep you found me. Damn you are good. You are prolly one of those tenured reps that doesn't think they should be held accountable, my access is poor, my docs don't like our product bla bla bla. You think that 10 years here should protect you and your poor performance should be tolerated because you are doing the best you can. In any other industry your lack of performance over the past would have got you fired after one or two bad years. But good old AZ will hold on to your ass because they take forever to fire dead weight.

To the other poster I agree with your post about there being to many of us. I am all by myself and I am rolling. It makes my life much easier. AZ will one day realize that one rep per territory is good enough in primary care.
Indeed, there are two, to, too, (pick the right one) many of you dumb and poorly educated idiots. It is too many of us dumbass. I guess that having four year liberal arts degree qualifies you to work for this cesspool company.

Would like to hear from other reps who were let go because of former history with AZ. I was one of them the address "retenbonus15k" is the first part of the address the second is moc.oohay spelled backward. Have to give address in this way because they wont publish if you put it straight out.

Would like to hear from other reps who were let go because of former history with AZ. I was one of them the address "retenbonus15k" is the first part of the address the second is moc.oohay spelled backward. Have to give address in this way because they wont publish if you put it straight out.

Hi "retenbonus15K". I just sent you an email. Please contact me...I have spoken to three others who were let go. Let's compare our stories.

To some of the others, who seem to be defending AZ...I'm not sure. But I worked for them for five years with four managers. I did a great job the first two years/two mangers. Was even being referred to Regional as management material. Manager number 3 came in and made my life miserable. Harassment. I reported to HR and several others contacted HR and reported events that they witnessed. Following demoralizing and continued behavior after my reporting, an eight week time off period followed. All the while I was written up for late exp reporting. Finally, after I complained to my Regional that I didn't think I could continue under the circumstances, I find myself in a meeting with a charge of a "loss of confidence", and was terminated. I signed a "Mutual Consent Separation Agreement", took the severance and tried to put it all behind me. Then, a year later, I obtained a position with InVentiv for the Amylin contract. Several months later, BMS purchased Amylin. Since BMS and AZ co-promote their diabetes products, this move was going to put my former AZ products in my bag. I was told, along with other Synergy Reps, that we would be kept on contract through Dec 2013. I was a top performer. My manager respected me and thought I was a superstar. InVentiv conducted my mid-year review in Aug and was on track for and exceeds year end review. I had no performance issues at Amylin. On Friday, September 28, I received a call from InVentiv that said "based on your former employment relationship with AZ, you are not eligible to work on this contract, and today, effective immediately, you are terminated". Does this sound fair?

Hi "retenbonus15K". I just sent you an email. Please contact me...I have spoken to three others who were let go. Let's compare our stories.

To some of the others, who seem to be defending AZ...I'm not sure. But I worked for them for five years with four managers. I did a great job the first two years/two mangers. Was even being referred to Regional as management material. Manager number 3 came in and made my life miserable. Harassment. I reported to HR and several others contacted HR and reported events that they witnessed. Following demoralizing and continued behavior after my reporting, an eight week time off period followed. All the while I was written up for late exp reporting. Finally, after I complained to my Regional that I didn't think I could continue under the circumstances, I find myself in a meeting with a charge of a "loss of confidence", and was terminated. I signed a "Mutual Consent Separation Agreement", took the severance and tried to put it all behind me. Then, a year later, I obtained a position with InVentiv for the Amylin contract. Several months later, BMS purchased Amylin. Since BMS and AZ co-promote their diabetes products, this move was going to put my former AZ products in my bag. I was told, along with other Synergy Reps, that we would be kept on contract through Dec 2013. I was a top performer. My manager respected me and thought I was a superstar. InVentiv conducted my mid-year review in Aug and was on track for and exceeds year end review. I had no performance issues at Amylin. On Friday, September 28, I received a call from InVentiv that said "based on your former employment relationship with AZ, you are not eligible to work on this contract, and today, effective immediately, you are terminated". Does this sound fair?

It's totally not fair but be certain that they acted correctly based on that severance agreement.
You may not have grounds for anything based on that, however, depending on your state, you may be entitled to something.

The obvious sad thing about this is that companies time and again find creative ways to terminate employees in order to avoid paying a severance that is inevitable in the next few months from this AZ/BMS/Amylin merger.

Contact a labor attorney for further information.

Do any of you poor AZ folks realize the type of company you work for? How can anyone have any respect for management that allows something like this to happen? The Amylin/inVentive rep that I worked with was told she was ranked 20 out of 325 by her manager on Thursday, Friday morning, inVentive HR was forced by AZ to call this rep and tell her that her contract was no longer valid. What kind of dumb-ass company do you work for? You feel proud to work for such a caring company? You think you might be as risk? Can anybody raise some hell?

Do any of you poor AZ folks realize the type of company you work for? How can anyone have any respect for management that allows something like this to happen? The Amylin/inVentive rep that I worked with was told she was ranked 20 out of 325 by her manager on Thursday, Friday morning, inVentive HR was forced by AZ to call this rep and tell her that her contract was no longer valid. What kind of dumb-ass company do you work for? You feel proud to work for such a caring company? You think you might be as risk? Can anybody raise some hell?

Why would we raise hell? I'm sorry that your friend lost her job, but the person may have had issues with AZ in the past. Plus the AZ rep there could be really good as well. In most cases I would have an AZ employee be kept over a contract rep.

Hi "retenbonus15K". I just sent you an email. Please contact me...I have spoken to three others who were let go. Let's compare our stories.

To some of the others, who seem to be defending AZ...I'm not sure. But I worked for them for five years with four managers. I did a great job the first two years/two mangers. Was even being referred to Regional as management material. Manager number 3 came in and made my life miserable. Harassment. I reported to HR and several others contacted HR and reported events that they witnessed. Following demoralizing and continued behavior after my reporting, an eight week time off period followed. All the while I was written up for late exp reporting. Finally, after I complained to my Regional that I didn't think I could continue under the circumstances, I find myself in a meeting with a charge of a "loss of confidence", and was terminated. I signed a "Mutual Consent Separation Agreement", took the severance and tried to put it all behind me. Then, a year later, I obtained a position with InVentiv for the Amylin contract. Several months later, BMS purchased Amylin. Since BMS and AZ co-promote their diabetes products, this move was going to put my former AZ products in my bag. I was told, along with other Synergy Reps, that we would be kept on contract through Dec 2013. I was a top performer. My manager respected me and thought I was a superstar. InVentiv conducted my mid-year review in Aug and was on track for and exceeds year end review. I had no performance issues at Amylin. On Friday, September 28, I received a call from InVentiv that said "based on your former employment relationship with AZ, you are not eligible to work on this contract, and today, effective immediately, you are terminated". Does this sound fair?

No, it does not sound fair, but not surprising. In the terms of the separation you were not allowed to work with AZ again, ever. Still, that was cold. Best of luck.

No, it does not sound fair, but not surprising. In the terms of the separation you were not allowed to work with AZ again, ever. Still, that was cold. Best of luck.

My beef would be with Inventive.

They shoudl have transfered your contract to another non-az brand.

I'd see a labor lawyer as advised though I suspect its in the mutual consent agreement you signed.

Yesterday my Synergy (Amylin) partner's mgr called her out on a conf call because she ranks 20 out of 300 or so reps in the nation. Today, AZ fires 6 Synergy (Amylin) reps with a history with AZ HR, my Synergy partner was one of those 6. I thought BMS purchased Amylin and Amylin's contract with iVentive, not AZ. My mgr had no idea until I called him. My Synergy partner's mgr did not know about it until shortly before the firing and she had no input. Welcome to big dumb-ass pharma! No such thing as positive motivation with AZ apparently. Would love to contact the other 5 who where let go today.
You work here and don't know the purchase was 50/50? What an idiot

Well now, I do know it was a 50/50 purchase of Amylin, but I'm thinking it takes a real thinker to in any way defend what happened in this case. I just do not understand how this rep could be let go without even consulting the other human beings who knew her (her district mgr and regional mgr). As I said, welcome to be dumb-ass pharma where you truly are just a number.