AZ buying out BMS diabetes-transferring reps!

Get ready people, as with all mergers and acquisitions it is a perfect time for the acquiring company to clean house, yes this means reps! AZ will let MANY reps go, especially the ones who are making top dollar. They would be wise to do this, then go more with a contracted sales force - this IS what is going to happen - believe it or not, who cares, just know that you were warned - start looking now because MANY of you are done!!

Get ready people, as with all mergers and acquisitions it is a perfect time for the acquiring company to clean house, yes this means reps! AZ will let MANY reps go, especially the ones who are making top dollar. They would be wise to do this, then go more with a contracted sales force - this IS what is going to happen - believe it or not, who cares, just know that you were warned - start looking now because MANY of you are done!!

I wasn't going to take your post seriously until I saw you posted some words in all caps. Well. that amazing communication changed my mid COMPLETELY!

You should get a 900 number and charge high prices for your scintillating ADVICE!