

Seems like half our region was contacted by this startup. Some are interviewing. Anyone have details on the company? I checked their website and the products are repackaged old compounds.


Inexperienced senior
Leadership. Nothing exciting in pipeline. Money is average at best. Take a look at the caliber of leaders they have attracted and you’ll understand what you might be getting into

Seems like half our region was contacted by this startup. Some are interviewing. Anyone have details on the company? I checked their website and the products are repackaged old compounds.

yeah our manager Watt took off to here but she was forced because of how toxic and crazy our team is. Hope she brings me with her

yeah our manager Watt took off to here but she was forced because of how toxic and crazy our team is. Hope she brings me with her

And a few of her colleagues also. Sounds like the Sr Leadership out West is doing a great job! Never was impressed with the VP who has a real eye for talent. 2nd Director in West since company was built. Impressive!

Seems like half our region was contacted by this startup. Some are interviewing. Anyone have details on the company? I checked their website and the products are repackaged old compounds.

For many of us, this opportunity is more about culture than anything else. Mosher the Fossil is a terrible leader. RW and RR were two favorites of mine - I’m making the move with them. ITCI out west is garbage until Georgie cuts chrome dome and his cronies

For many of us, this opportunity is more about culture than anything else. Mosher the Fossil is a terrible leader. RW and RR were two favorites of mine - I’m making the move with them. ITCI out west is garbage until Georgie cuts chrome dome and his cronies

You haven’t lived until you get MG as your interim manager. How checked out is that guy? I get the sense that the West may be falling apart. If that’s the guy our dinosaur ABD has tasked with holding the ship together while we get 2/3 new managers hired… I’m scared.

That are throwing around some crazy numbers of salary. Reps making up to $165,000 base and managers getting $225,000? Anyone else hear this from recruiters? No company car but the allowance is $800 a month.

That are throwing around some crazy numbers of salary. Reps making up to $165,000 base and managers getting $225,000? Anyone else hear this from recruiters? No company car but the allowance is $800 a month.

You can't be referring to ITCI - we get gas guzzler Jeeps or Camrys. 165 here is on the highest end of salary range

I’m in! They probably have contests that actually pay there,unlike ITCI. Only 2nd contest in almost 2 years IN A LAUNCH & many won’t even get paid bc they didn’t hit threshold.

Inexperienced senior
Leadership. Nothing exciting in pipeline. Money is average at best. Take a look at the caliber of leaders they have attracted and you’ll understand what you might be getting into

3 of my favorite RBMs left ITCI for Axsome - after speaking with 2 of them, I completely understand why the jumped ship... and I started interviewing with them. Forest 2.0 is a failed experiment. Something needs to be done about the Moshersaur

3 of my favorite RBMs left ITCI for Axsome - after speaking with 2 of them, I completely understand why the jumped ship... and I started interviewing with them. Forest 2.0 is a failed experiment. Something needs to be done about the Moshersaur

Forest 2.0 starring the Moshersaur

Coming to a theater near you

Thank you for commenting on so many threads at the same made it very easy to trace IPs and identify you. See you soon..


I’m using my company iPad. Just submit the proper request and you’ll be able to see all the websites I visit throughout the day. Let’s schedule a meeting, Greggy boy! Have your HR guy talk to my HR guy