Axios: Biogen pulled Aduhelm paper after JAMA demanded edits


Biogen recently submitted a paper to JAMA, a top medical research journal, that analyzed results from the clinical trials of its new Alzheimer's drug, Aduhelm.

  • However, Biogen later withdrew the paper because JAMA considered rejecting it unless edits were made, Axios' Bob Herman scooped yesterday.
Why it matters: The FDA's decision to approve Aduhelm has been mired in controversy; experts say there simply isn't strong enough data to show the drug works. And it appears medical journal reviewers also weren't sold on Biogen's interpretation of the data.

How it works: Drug companies almost always publish clinical trial results in a peer-reviewed journal before obtaining FDA approval, but Biogen still hasn't done so for Aduhelm.

  • Biogen executives said during a conference call last week the company was working to get Aduhelm's phase 3 results published in a peer-reviewed journal.
When Axios asked about Biogen's submission to JAMA, the company declined to answer questions beyond saying: "JAMA did not reject the publication. Biogen withdrew the publication from JAMA and decided to pursue other publication opportunities."

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