AWM NSM March 2


Oh boy, cannot wait for another meeting 6 weeks after the last disaster. What is the over/under that Frenchie can actually be understood <55 percent of the time? And then, how bout his sidekick Bozo, the BA. What words of sincere motivation will he adorn the ravenous crowd with. I love seeing the pharma model, which never has worked, being forced down everyone's throat. My integrity selling is currently up to date. I wish that word could be applied to the two stooges running AWM, but it is the same hypocrisy, over and over again. So, make sure you take an anti BS pill each morning of this event, you may make it to Friday.

Oh boy, cannot wait for another meeting 6 weeks after the last disaster. What is the over/under that Frenchie can actually be understood <55 percent of the time? And then, how bout his sidekick Bozo, the BA. What words of sincere motivation will he adorn the ravenous crowd with. I love seeing the pharma model, which never has worked, being forced down everyone's throat. My integrity selling is currently up to date. I wish that word could be applied to the two stooges running AWM, but it is the same hypocrisy, over and over again. So, make sure you take an anti BS pill each morning of this event, you may make it to Friday.

haha you used the wrong > sign with your yawnworthy jeer. who hires these toxic imbeciles.

Ha rocks. He had a vision to lead us to new heights of success. He understands our industry. He will lead us back into Neg Pressure flawlessly. I know of 6 major IDNs ready to dump KCI as soon as we are back in market.

Ha rocks. He had a vision to lead us to new heights of success. He understands our industry. He will lead us back into Neg Pressure flawlessly. I know of 6 major IDNs ready to dump KCI as soon as we are back in market.

Good luck. My hospitals are ecstatic that we are back, even if the bean counters aren't. They don't understand that you get what you pay for. Renasys is awful. Plus, even if you did get back in, who will distribute you? Your partners on inpatient aren't available.

Hill Rom will pick up re entry on Renasys for Acute. SN will create their own 3rd party billing system for DME. Customers are quite excited to have Renasys back in Acute. Plus, with the different drain set ups, KCI will go down. Don't need Instill, waste of money. Just take a fifty cent syringe and irrigate, will cut cost down even more. I truly believe that within a year of re entry, Renasys will capture 15.5 percent market share. When you have Frenchee, and his sidekick, a BA, how can you go wrong. I am certain that their Pharma model will both motivate reps in Neg Pressure and be time efficient, so that reps re spending all of their time in the field, and not at Starbucks.