Awfully quiet


Other than the schmuck that thinks he's God's gift to selling, this board is awfully quiet after such a big layoff.

We saw a lot more entertainment here when the first wave got let go. That was only 40 something people.

All that's left are Cadence reps. We are the focus of failure or success now. If we don't turn this thing around we are next to be laid off. I just don't think too many people care anymore. I believe everyone likes selling Ofirmev but Mallinckrodt has taken any fun away from doing this job. Everyday is a fight. No one wants to hear any excuses. Grow grow grow!!! There has to be a better place where they value their employees. This is depressing.

I told my dentist yesterday about the lay off and he said "that job always had you stressed out!" He's right...over 15 years in the industry, 20 some product launches under my belt, and XXR was the single hardest product I have ever had to launch. Some did better than others but EVERYONE who rep'd XXR should hold their head up high for surviving that. Then Upper management throws us Ofirmev and in turn makes plans to fire all of the OSS reps before we've even finished all of our innoculations for credentialing. We never stood a chance. I'm scared about the future of course but nothing can ever be as scary as the work environment at Mallinckrodt.

Mallinckrodt was sued last time by a few. It is quieter because they followed the company policy on severance this time. Last time was a violation of written company policy and a suit would have been easily won in court. They settled. All that bought cars should do the same.

I was apart of the August layoffs. I helped launch Pennsaid and Exalgo and started out slow but turned in some nice numbers in 2011, 2012 and 2013. 2014 was fine until the XXR fiasco. I hope all who were let go this week rebound quickly. I remember one national sales meeting when a question was asked on stage of who are the most important people associated with Mallickrodt or something along those lines and the answer that MT gave was "the shareholders". That's all I needed to know about MNK.

First laid off group had it bad.

Yes, we did. Sold a lot of their shitty products, worked my ass off to sell XXR, was #1 in the district for Pennsaid 2%, and was shown the door. Eleven years in and no one gave a damn. Six weeks of severance. Woo hoo. Shortly after being laid off, they sent me a check for thousands in bonus.

So happy I didn't have to buy a car before they decided to lay me off. You folks that bought cars are the ones where MNK forgot the lubricant.

Yes, we did. Sold a lot of their shitty products, worked my ass off to sell XXR, was #1 in the district for Pennsaid 2%, and was shown the door. Eleven years in and no one gave a damn. Six weeks of severance. Woo hoo. Shortly after being laid off, they sent me a check for thousands in bonus.

So happy I didn't have to buy a car before they decided to lay me off. You folks that bought cars are the ones where MNK forgot the lubricant.

I'm so frustrated by this entire organization. I'm thinking about going out and blowing some dudes, who's with me?

You shouldn't say that. I'm contacting Cafe Pharma for such a violent post. Oh yes I was laid off Monday too but these kinds of statements are not ok and quite frightening. Get a grip.