Awesome News

Inside source says we are doing the opposite of expanding soon....Yes to smaller territories...but guess how???

The same way it's always been done since Mylan took over, elimations in "dribs and drabs", starting rumors of 'low' numbers or "not following company policy" (as if there is any company policy) or made up stories in their little black books. It's a huge joke on us!

Pharma news article on cafepharma: "not all job cuts are disclosed, since some companies eliminate staff in dribs and drabs and, therefore, are not required to file notices with their state governments."

The same way it's always been done since Mylan took over, elimations in "dribs and drabs", starting rumors of 'low' numbers or "not following company policy" (as if there is any company policy) or made up stories in their little black books. It's a huge joke on us!

Pharma news article on cafepharma: "not all job cuts are disclosed, since some companies eliminate staff in dribs and drabs and, therefore, are not required to file notices with their state governments."

you are wrong in this situation.

We all know how. There are some who will admit it, there are others who won''s always that way, whatever floats their boats........

Yeah - just ask some of the CRTX reps. They got blindsided with pinkslips thursday morning. Apparently they've got a complete idiot running the salesforce over there (Steve Lutz). My counterpart described this guy just like we would refer to CM during her reign here. The way he speaks at meetings and on VM makes him sound like he's got a maximum 8th grade education and he supposedly has had everything handed to him in life instead of earning it. I feel bad for the 20 reps that had to listen to this prick tell them they were out of a job when the day before he sent out an email calling for a "mandatory company-wide call". The bright side for those reps is they dont have to worry about a douche bag running the show and calling the shots. They actually believe Zyflo is their drug of the future and had to make the cuts based on the Zyflo potential in the territories as well as # of specialists per territory (Allergy, ENT, PUDS etc). Enough said....... Bye Bye Cornerstone and be sure to thank Mr. Lutz as his ship sinks!!! What a sorry POS!!!!!!