awesome distributors and reps


hey i just wanted to let you bums know that you might be the worst sales reps and have the worst distributors in the industry. keep selling on price you idiots, you come into facilities and drop your pants, even when a surgeon isn't interested. You drop your pants then anyone that is selling the same product has to drop their pants as well.. keep it up guys. you are nothing but a menstrual cramp to the rest of us.. while we are gaining business and pushing ahead, you somehow have the ability to just say "hey, ill grab my ankles"?!?!?!?!?!? no one wants to buy you and no one wants to use your crappy products

Sounds like you're a bitter ass**** who is more interested in ripping off the customer so that you can make more commission!

Are you stupid?? Of course we want to make more money! I agree with the other poster, you guys can't do anything but sell on price because your products are that bad. Linvatec should just implode and close up shop.

Okay, that was a pretty bold, yet broad statement. So why don't you be more specific, and tell me what products of Linvatec's are that bad? Assuming you work for Arthrex, I could say all of your products are bad. However, I wouldn't say that about Arthrex, or any other company for that matter. Yes, some of Linvatec's products are pretty bad. And some of them are really good. Kind of like every other company out there. And yes, some of the Arthrex's products are really bad too. Your cheaply built Synergy camera's. Funny how you have to give that system away for free, to surgery centers. Kind of like that shitty shaver hand piece, and pump. And let's not forget about the Arthrex battery powered orthopedic power system. I've noticed no one will even take that system for free.

Linvatec has 1 good product, The Spectrum MVP. That's it. I think you missed the point of what the other poster was trying to tell you. You (maybe not you in particular, but every single Linvatec rep I see come into my territory) try's to sell on price and price alone. It worked for 1 product at the time which was your Matryx composite screw. The rep didn't know what he was doing and quoted your screw at $142.00. What did that do to every companies screw price? That's right, everybody had to sell composite screws for $142.00 because an acl screw is an acl screw.

The same rep came in at $130.00 for Mini Bio Revo, didn't stand a chance. Same rep, $176.00 for a Mini Pop Lok, didn't stand a chance. $186.00 for your BioCorkscrew FT knock off, didn't stand a chance. $30.00 for your 10k pole pump tubing, didn't even get a trial. $30.00 for a shaver blade, Smith Nephew destroyed you head to head. Didn't win that one either. The only product you got at that time was 3 used demo towers for $130k. That is not a misprint.

Since you sell on price, why don't you go sell the Y-knot and undercut Biomet Jugger because they are still holding around $400.00 ASP plus the disposable kit. What are you selling your Y-knot for these days? $200.00??

First of all, we are charging more than $200.00 for the Y-Knot. No, Biomet is not getting $400.00 for the Juggerknot in my territory. They have undercut our Y-knot price in a lot of accounts. However, because our Y-Knot is superior to the Juggerknot, we are taking a lot of business from them. If your all suture anchor is so great, why don't you take all our Y-Knot business? Oh that's right, Arthrex doesn't even have an all suture anchor. As far as the 3 video tower deal for 130K, I'm surprised you complained about that. Arthrex would kill to sell 3 Synergy towers for 130K. So why didn't you get that video sale? Linvatec's main problem is that we can't give away as much capital equipment as Arthrex, to secure pump, shaver, and implant business. Arthrex will just give the video towers away, to keep competitors out. So it's pretty funny you would complain about us selling sports med implants for too cheap. You can say we're ruining the sports med market. But we can say Arthrex is ruining the video tower market.