Aweful Alok

I heard in a meeting he said " we will be bigger than Pfizer in US"

What a fucken idiot , Pfizer dont give a shit about all the shitproducts it acquired from Hospira....

Pfizer will buy an innovative company to keep its revenue growing, Baxter is coughing and splurtiing to pay off debt ,

By crushed do you mean acquired ?

If yes thats a great outcome for shareholders and employees.

Shareholders price goes up

Employees , Heather reaz, Alok. and many other toxic or incompetent leaders get let go and we work for a new entity can it serioously be any worse than it is now ?

Someone tell me what new products do we have ? what are we spending on R&D, heather Knight says " tell us what products or deas you have" Im afraid Heather your the one getting paid millions , with a BD team DO YOUR JOB, innovate !! the clear message is make your numbers sell what we have , spend less money , etc etc . NOT SUSTAINABLE.

Awefiul Alok talks about 14 launches in 2025 , please ? can a board member ask him to show us the forecast these launches ? any thing in a bag - forget it , 1 or 2 million at max ! WILL NOT SAVE US . dont let him bamboozle you with drug names , get a board member who actually has done Pharma in a proper compnay. Ask the new GM of China he is laughing at why he joined us .

But he will hang around long enough to get a pay out .

Also why do we have GMS anymore ? Go vertical properly get rid off these overpaid buerocrats with zero expertise in HILLROM, verticalise all BUS get rid of GMS everywhere !!!

Aweful Alok is not looking forward to heathers reign he has openly critisced her , he thinks he is untouchable because no one knows about pharma , sad thing either does he ! He was president of 3 rd rate Indian generic company , Low Jow was stupid hiring him, nothing has changed,

Crunched means it gets dismantled and sold piece by piece… would not bet on money for shareholders and even less for employees…
Good luck guys… i would not bet on a good severance now low joe is gone but rather proper restructuring…