Good day, my job seeking mate! I assume the fact that you opened this post is because you've fruitlessly tried to find any scoop about this pawn shop. Well, lemme give you a tour:
The product is a software that allows doctors to dispense prepackaged pharmaceuticals for workers compensation patients in their offices. It makes a lot of money. AHCS uses a supplier with the highest AWP (average wholesale price) in the US, encourages their customers to use that supplier, then bills for the meds that MDs dispense through that software. They also push products manufactured by a company that's owned by the executives of AHCS. They invest millions of dollars into political campaigns to keep the sweet gig going because it's highly controversial, and the opponents (insurance companies and states' legislators) complain about it, but hey - you gotta do what you gotta do to make money. I'm cool with all that. I happen to think that doctors should dispense and make extra money because their reimbursements are getting cut for virtually all services they provide.
The crap part about this company is that during the time I've worked here they've fired so many people that my head is spinning. I'm going to get petty here.. The head of HR has no college degree, and no soul. If you send her an email, you'll get fired, she doesn't do email. If you talk to her in person, you'll get fired, she doesn't like talking. But she is a friend of someone high up so she is safe no matter who she pisses off. Oh, and her husband is a VP of something although nobody is quite sure what that is. I have a tomato plant in my garden, and I think that plant and this man have the same IQ.
The guy that's unofficially in charge, éminence grise of this operation, is the corporate attorney who spent 30 years working in a sheriff's office, then decided to go practice law, and eventually wound up with this lovely establishment. If one conducted his personality profile placement test he would be fit to only work as a bouncer at a night cap bar. He intimidates and scares people into submission, quite successfully I hear.. For a company of less than 300 people - four full-time attorneys on staff? Hmm...
They fire everybody, the bad and the good. You never see it coming. They fire after they spin their 'firing' wheel every other week after they smash golf clubs on their office walls. They never give a reason, just 'we are at-will state, see you later'. Would be nice if they gave you 'real' quota, right now I think my contract says 'a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow by the end of each month'. They don't specify how big a pot they want. You think you are awesome, performing 700% above quota (got a pot of gold and whacked a leprechaun) - nah, don't bring in your favorite framed photo of horse's ass just yet, because - wait for it... wait for it - you guessed it - - you are fired!!
The president of the company doesn't have a college degree either, but that's cool, he seems pretty smart. The dude that stole my lawn mower last month was pretty smart too. The billing management: besides their famous attitude that I guess could be attributed to their upbringing 70 miles south of Key West, the ladies need to take some leadership classes and perhaps brush up on spelling? Nothing like representing a great company to a customer while putting my i-phone auto correct to shame.. 'Me workie in AHC'
To sum it up - there is no job security, none whatsoever, the culture is that of intimidation and uncertainty, no transparency about what's going on within, pay is crap, management is incompetent (no training is required to become a manager, and college degree is prohibited), good performance is NOT rewarded and folks are promoted SOLELY, I repeat SOLELY, based on nepotism. Good luck if you got an offer, and welcome to the club of suckers who wish they'd never worked there!
The product is a software that allows doctors to dispense prepackaged pharmaceuticals for workers compensation patients in their offices. It makes a lot of money. AHCS uses a supplier with the highest AWP (average wholesale price) in the US, encourages their customers to use that supplier, then bills for the meds that MDs dispense through that software. They also push products manufactured by a company that's owned by the executives of AHCS. They invest millions of dollars into political campaigns to keep the sweet gig going because it's highly controversial, and the opponents (insurance companies and states' legislators) complain about it, but hey - you gotta do what you gotta do to make money. I'm cool with all that. I happen to think that doctors should dispense and make extra money because their reimbursements are getting cut for virtually all services they provide.
The crap part about this company is that during the time I've worked here they've fired so many people that my head is spinning. I'm going to get petty here.. The head of HR has no college degree, and no soul. If you send her an email, you'll get fired, she doesn't do email. If you talk to her in person, you'll get fired, she doesn't like talking. But she is a friend of someone high up so she is safe no matter who she pisses off. Oh, and her husband is a VP of something although nobody is quite sure what that is. I have a tomato plant in my garden, and I think that plant and this man have the same IQ.
The guy that's unofficially in charge, éminence grise of this operation, is the corporate attorney who spent 30 years working in a sheriff's office, then decided to go practice law, and eventually wound up with this lovely establishment. If one conducted his personality profile placement test he would be fit to only work as a bouncer at a night cap bar. He intimidates and scares people into submission, quite successfully I hear.. For a company of less than 300 people - four full-time attorneys on staff? Hmm...
They fire everybody, the bad and the good. You never see it coming. They fire after they spin their 'firing' wheel every other week after they smash golf clubs on their office walls. They never give a reason, just 'we are at-will state, see you later'. Would be nice if they gave you 'real' quota, right now I think my contract says 'a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow by the end of each month'. They don't specify how big a pot they want. You think you are awesome, performing 700% above quota (got a pot of gold and whacked a leprechaun) - nah, don't bring in your favorite framed photo of horse's ass just yet, because - wait for it... wait for it - you guessed it - - you are fired!!
The president of the company doesn't have a college degree either, but that's cool, he seems pretty smart. The dude that stole my lawn mower last month was pretty smart too. The billing management: besides their famous attitude that I guess could be attributed to their upbringing 70 miles south of Key West, the ladies need to take some leadership classes and perhaps brush up on spelling? Nothing like representing a great company to a customer while putting my i-phone auto correct to shame.. 'Me workie in AHC'
To sum it up - there is no job security, none whatsoever, the culture is that of intimidation and uncertainty, no transparency about what's going on within, pay is crap, management is incompetent (no training is required to become a manager, and college degree is prohibited), good performance is NOT rewarded and folks are promoted SOLELY, I repeat SOLELY, based on nepotism. Good luck if you got an offer, and welcome to the club of suckers who wish they'd never worked there!