August 2013


We're all done at Strativa in August! you heard it here first. This shit company will finally close there doors in August. So much for that retention bonus. Nice tease in order to squeeze everything out of the sales force. Another fasle promise.
The writing is on the wall:
- promote a bunch of idiots that don't deserve or have earned promotions just to pad their resumes
- a retention bonus that doesn't payoff until Aug 1st...who does that!
- $9000 grand target bonus for the 2nd qtr...please, that makes no sense...payouts are budgeted out for the whole year, if they pay out more then they need to take away from another qtr.
- no add and deletes for Q2 again
- redemption report is going bye bye...RP loves that report and now they're not going to pay for it, please
what the fuck is the new car insurance form..who cares if we have personal cars
- ans finally...if they would have shut the company down in Feb than they would've need to pay the warn act 90 days plus severance...they were going to do that were they

Get your resumes ready we only got 6 months!!!

I think your post is spot on and I feel that we are probably just month to month at best. Funny thing is there are a few in our district including the manager that think this place is going to be around for a while. Oh well, this is their first
pharma gig.

No company plans on going out of business in 6 months dude. Nice try.

So you assume that the last round of layoffs happened because of an overnight hunch? As soon as TPG acquired us they knew exactly what they were going to do with the Strativa side of the business. I am sure you were one of those that believed TPG up on that stage at the national sales meeting about how "All of your jobs are safe." I talked to a friend of mine that received her severance package, it was posted dated a week before it shipped.
Finally, Strativa could go out of business in 6 months but not Par. Wake up. You are truly misguided.

Heard TPG gave Shitiva and RP until August 1st to have product in place or the doors close. Makes sense with that retention bonus, if there's no new product then no retention bonus and just severance and if by some miracle they useless piece of shits convince a company to sell us a product the retention bonus gives them 6 months to launch a product with a fully deployed sales force. my guess is we're done in August!

Another stupid rep making 60k that thinks they know everything. Strativa is here to stay. Strong leadership and moving forward. Either hold on for the ride or find a new job instead of whining like a little bitch on an anonymous board. Seems to be the way the cowardly loser reps at Strativa do it.

Another stupid rep making 60k that thinks they know everything. Strativa is here to stay. Strong leadership and moving forward. Either hold on for the ride or find a new job instead of whining like a little bitch on an anonymous board. Seems to be the way the cowardly loser reps at Strativa do it.

Strong leadership? Please give examples.

Moving forward? Explain what is being done post layoffs to ensure that because the recent moves suggest otherwise.

"Hold on for the ride" sounds like you to believe that this company is coming to an end.

Cowardly? You wouldn't say the things you post on here to anyone's face so who is the weak one?

I would gladly say this to your face but of course you yourself are too cowardly to reveal your true identity. If you are so miserable then just leave. Mark my words we will have another product to promote. So stop your rhetoric and move on.

I would gladly say this to your face but of course you yourself are too cowardly to reveal your true identity. If you are so miserable then just leave. Mark my words we will have another product to promote. So stop your rhetoric and move on.

New product same loser leadership and same loser tools to promote with. OOOHHHH but we may get a new loser slide to show doctors about the benefits of a nasal spray folic acid B complex. Coverage will still blow and the idiot that is in charge of formularies will be no help once again. Wal Mart will still continue to not report. At least the redemption report is gone. What a misleading piece of shit system that was.

I would gladly say this to your face but of course you yourself are too cowardly to reveal your true identity. If you are so miserable then just leave. Mark my words we will have another product to promote. So stop your rhetoric and move on.

Ok...I'll bite. One question for you RP...say we get this product you talk about, who in the home office is going to launch it. We have no one in Marketing who's successfully launched a product, we have a one man brand team with no experience launching a product, we have a training department that has never launched a product, we have a sales ops team/persom who has never launced a product and we have a managed markets team that has never launched a product. But most importantly we have a head of sales who has never launched a product successfully.
So if we do get a product, ball park figure, what are our chances of succeeding and not giving the products back in 6 months?

Another stupid rep making 60k that thinks they know everything. Strativa is here to stay. Strong leadership and moving forward. Either hold on for the ride or find a new job instead of whining like a little bitch on an anonymous board. Seems to be the way the cowardly loser reps at Strativa do it.

I wanted to think out an articulate response. Point, counter point, provide factual details and antidotal evidence along with current factual proof, however I then retread your comments. So the best thing I came up with is "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA". Amazing how people either buy this crap or how easily lying comes to them. Either way it is incredible the stupidity and complete lack of intelligence that comes from this "leadership". Those that lead do so by example and based on the past history of Strativa this fact would speak volumes.

A warning:4 years ago I worked here for a 6 month period of time. As soon as I got back from training and our first national meeting at Disney, I began my job search. This company, mostly its leadership, was the pitts! This is not a long term position. I had been laid off from a top 3 biggest pharma. I sold the crap out of the products I was given, but I knew this was onlya stepping stone to find a secure position. I have been with my current job ever since. Use the check to fund your search all the while giving them 110%. If you can sell the crap they have you can be very successfull elsewhere. I thought they would be bankruprt long time ago. You cant live a good life with the stress of this dog of a "pharma gig!". Move on!

Enough of this august 2013 BS- it's like you ppl are rooting against your own company- I have faith a new product is coming our way...

Who in their right mind give Strativa a product? Way haven't shown anyone we can successfully sell a product. Every product has been a failure. It's not the sales force fault either. It 100% upper managerment. They have no idea what there doing. They leads with bumper stickers and catch phrases instead of put the sales force in position to suceed. I would have faith that we get new leadership before we get a new product. That way we have a fighting chance to succeed.