Attn New Managers


you'll soon regret being here, the company can't even get the simplest of things correct, the home office and the back and forth travellers to the home office are very incompetent

hey - above poster has that right. I interviewed for I think a "RM" job which is a DM job,
and after seeing the office and how anal and tight they were..... no thanks. Declined because they are sooooo cheap. questioned why I took a cab versus a subway. are you serious??? $20 bucks gets you worked up??

hey - above poster has that right. I interviewed for I think a "RM" job which is a DM job,
and after seeing the office and how anal and tight they were..... no thanks. Declined because they are sooooo cheap. questioned why I took a cab versus a subway. are you serious??? $20 bucks gets you worked up??

So where did you end up ?
At a big pharma company that probably will lay you off in a yr or 2 ?

hey - above poster has that right. I interviewed for I think a "RM" job which is a DM job,
and after seeing the office and how anal and tight they were..... no thanks. Declined because they are sooooo cheap. questioned why I took a cab versus a subway. are you serious??? $20 bucks gets you worked up??

That's a typical reaction except for when they at the home office spend the money, then it's ok, seriously cheap and dumb; BTW-the assistant mgrs or assistant stooges, are just spies to keep tabs on the new hired mgrs, Keith's idea, he's a bozo

above poster - you are correct. I don't work with Suc but I'm a friend of KM and he does tell me he uses the bogus mgr training to get info. I share 'cause KM IS a jerk.

KM buys all night to spout his future at this company. Seriously, he has no friends. That's why he buys everytime we go out. Who am I to say no?? Could be worse ... could be bangin his wife too.

now thats funny, i dont care who you are. the next big tracker for us reps is an ipad. we will have to carry with us and get signatures. keith and stan did fuck up when they gave us the runzheimer deal. they forgot to give us gas cards. now they cant track us. only by mileage. so make sure your mileage is correct with your runzheimer.

you know, stan was pretty smart by making keith the head ass hole. now the heat is off him.

keith dude. at least clean your knees off when leaving the office one stan meile

now thats funny, i dont care who you are. the next big tracker for us reps is an ipad. we will have to carry with us and get signatures. keith and stan did fuck up when they gave us the runzheimer deal. they forgot to give us gas cards. now they cant track us. only by mileage. so make sure your mileage is correct with your runzheimer.

you know, stan was pretty smart by making keith the head ass hole. now the heat is off him.

keith dude. at least clean your knees off when leaving the office one stan meile

Signatures for what, we don't sample ?