
Only 6 infusion days left to schedule in November! WTF. Now the sales people have the patients, but the company can't provide enough capacity to get product to patient. This group of retread, big pharma, has-beens are just as bad as Hans and company. This product will be left in the dust in coming quarters. Not because of the drug, but because of the continued mismanagement.

Hey Rosen, where is the beef? Is Rytell your answer?? The Emporer truly has no clothes!

WOW a new reimbursement website from the marketing team! Where is the clinical selling material and the marketing message? Rosen spun out the white papers and no one values them. MDs shrug and walkaway for the most part.

Very weak DM and ISS rep hiring.

Are you from corporate? Please come out in the field with me. Please show our customers that someone knows something besides the field staff. Show your face to customers and interact for support. Oh wait, thats right, noone from corporate every comes out in the field to see the real customers, listen to their issues and solve real problems. It is easier to blame the sales force. Great team atmosphere! Thanks.

This GPO approach is very dangerous for the field staff. The strategy will inevitably lead to delayed prescriptions/infusions for Q4. The new credit application alone will be a sources of hesitancy. Will this approach really be a driver? Or, is it just smoke and mirrors for Wall Street and/or a potential suitor?

I predict field staff will be fired over this approach or for compliance issues related to it.